Did you have to agree to binding arbitration?

I am three days away from surgery. My surgeon's office, long after all my other forms were signs and pre-op tests completed, suddenly had me sign a form basically saying that if anything went wrong, I agreed that I would not seek a court and jury trial and instead would agree to abide by the decision rendered via binding arbitration. I signed it; I'd just had an endoscopy/colonoscopy that day and was still a bit tired from the sedative and wanted to get home. However, I'm wondering if this is standard. It sounds like I can't sue in the event of something's going wrong. I've never sued anyone in my life, nor have I ever threatened to, but I was not prepared for having to sign this release.    — [Anonymous] (posted on June 26, 2001)

June 26, 2001
My regular doctors office has all their patients sign that form. I'm not sure how strong that would stand up in court. However, I would be hesitant to sign it from my surgeons office and they have not yet asked. Good question! It makes me think they've had a "problem" in the past. I think the anonymous is correct in the fact that you were of not sound mind to sign that agreement, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.
   — Angela B.

June 26, 2001
If something should go wrong (I doubt it will) you've probally got a good case if you want to sue as you should not be signing anything after you've had those pain killers. They should dishonest to me. Do you know others that have had surgery with your surgeon? I would wonder about him/her at this point.
   — Danmark

June 26, 2001
i did have to sign this form for my initial paperwork. it doesnt make me suspicious of anything. the dr is trying to protect himself & his mal-practice insurance premiums. of course, ur drs office had no business whatsoever asking u to sign while 'under the influence'. this was wrong. but, i also have to tell u, i know a good many lawyers & they have all told me at one time or another...'it doesnt matter what u sign...there is ALWAYS a loophole!'
   — sheryl titone

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