When does this feeling of depression go away?

I am 4 weeks post-op and have been feeling really "blah" for the past few days. I am craving foods, but can't really eat them. So I continue eating my pea soups, cheese, lentil soups. The problem is: I don't think I'm eating enough, even though I am not hungry. I don't consider two tablespoons of pea soup a meal. What do you think? My friend is 2 weeks ahead of me and can eat 3 cocktail meatballs at one sitting. Even if I could tolerate beef, I would never be able to eat one whole one, much less three. Is it true that your pouch can be swollen for a certain period of time after surgery and that is why I can't eat alot. Is it also true that it takes a long time for anesthesia to leave your system? Could that be why I am so blah?    — Dianne K. (posted on December 9, 2001)

December 9, 2001
You sound pretty normal. It will take time, but you will be able to eat more eventually. Then, you will be writing in because you will be worried you are eating too much:) It sounds like you are doing fine. As far as the blahs and anesthesia, I think it took me 3-4 months before I thought it was completely out of my system. I felt sooo spacey and confused and blah, too. Hang in there- it does get better!
   — M B.

December 9, 2001
NORMAL! At 4 weeks I was very depressed. Of course it didn't help when my brother came over with hoagies and soda and shoved it in his mouth about 4 inches from my face or when my mom cooked cakes my first night home. But, trauma aside; it's just going to take time. I'm almost 3 months out and I really can't pinpoint when I started to be able to eat "normal" foods again. I just did. I know that right around 5 weeks I woke up and WOW, I could drink a lot more water! I'd have to say about 7-8 weeks I noticed I was eating meatballs (i still can't eat 3 though...maybe 2), and sandwiches...etc. The point is, it's going to happen. I guess that's really the only thing that can keep your spirits up while you get through this rough time. Perhaps you could try things with lots of yummy flavors. Sugar free Kool-aid. I tended to put a lot of spices in my soups. Try decaf iced teas, different flavored jello. Anything to keep the boring, interesting. Good Luck!
   — Kristin R.

December 9, 2001
I was severly depressed at 3-4 weeks I remember standing at the sink crying uncontrollably when my husband came home and for the life of me I couldn't tell him why also I couldn't eat any more than 2 bites then at 5 weeks almost to the day I found I could eat more and I started feeling pretty good. It will get better I know it is rough but in the end it is all worth it. Post op 4-12-01 98 pds.
   — susan V.

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