What happens if the psych evaluation does not go well?

Had psych eval today. Am very upset. She was very biased. Told me about her friends who lost weight with exercise and other programs although I was very clear about everything I've already tried. Said I should be in long term therapy first before having the surgery to find out why I have no "self control." I know she can't release any information without my consent, but now I am afraid to find another therapist on my own. Any suggestions. I am in Philadelphia. I am so distraught. Please advise. God bless.    — Sheila T. (posted on June 13, 2002)

June 12, 2002
Shela, have you thought about contacting your surgeon's offive and asking them who you should go to? I was very worried that I would also see a psych doctor who was against WLS so I kept putting it off. Finally I took my friend's advice and contacting my surgeon's nurse. These two psychologists work with their office often so I knew they were not going to be against surgery. You should try that route. Take care and best of luck!
   — karmiausnic

June 12, 2002
I guess Miss Ignorant therapist needed to drum up some business. I can understand being nixed because the therapist feels you can't handle to surgery, but being nixed because the therapist can't handle surgery is unethical. Contact from the peers page, maybe someone can recomend and decent person.
   — faybay

June 13, 2002
Because of depression/anxiety, I see a Christian Counselor and a psychiatrist on a regular basis. My psychiatrist was very much for me having the surgery, to help my self-esteem. My counselor, however, felt I should exhaust every avenue for weight loss before I go through such drastic measures! At actually contemplating surgery, I felt I had exhausted every avenue, but I did give it one more try, taking her advise. Six weeks later I went to my psychiatrist, ask for a referral letter and went to see a surgeon. Not every psychiatrist/counselor is going to be in favor of WLS. They see our inability to lose weight as a deeper seated problem. In some cases it is. But, some of our problems will be better, if we have one less problem to deal with (weight being one of those.) Anyway, getting counseling from a psychiatrist and/or counselor is like taking your car to a mechanic: If you do not like their work, go to someone else. You cannot drive around in a car that does not run right! At this point, our bodies do not run right. Yesterday, June 12, 2002, I saw a psychiatrist my surgeon requires you see before your surgery. My surgery is scheduled for June 19th. I was there 3 hours. I filled out 344 questions and was interviewed by the doctor. After leaving there I was still crying two hours later. He did make me think about thinks I had not thought of, however, he also made me feel bad. It was a 2-1/2 hour drive home from where I am having my surgery. It was late when I got home. I wrote in my journal, said my prayers, read scriptures, and went to bed (this being my bedtime routine anyway). This morning, I am better prepared - Thanks so him! I feel stronger as well. So, hang in there. We go through so much on this rollercoaster ride. This is just part of it. Good luck! Don't give up! You have not exhausted your avenues yet!
   — Karen S.

June 13, 2002
Shela, I agree with the previous poster that said to get a second opinion. I live in Philadelphia as well and just so happened to call a provider that already did several evals for my surgeon's patients. That was great because she knew exactly what he was looking for. If you would like the name and number just email me and I will send it to you. My email address is [email protected]. Good Luck!!!
   — amd0721

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