I am 7 months post-op and I think I am eating about 8-10 ounces each meal,

I watched my calorie intake yesterday and I ate about 1000 cal and that was like dieting for me I felt I could have ate more. Is this average for 7 months post op. I have been on a plateau for about 4 weeks, and that is how long I have been eating this much. I could use some support or advice. Thanks    — Jennifer H. (posted on April 4, 2003)

April 4, 2003
Hi Jennifer. I don't think 1000 calories is too much for seven months out, in fact, it's probably about right. But if you think you ordinarily eat more, I'd recommend you track your eating, every day, for a week or two, to see what you're really eating. Notice how much protein, how many carbs, how many sugars you're intaking. Notice whether the carbs are coming from veggies or "complex carbs" versus from junk foods (like crackers). Notice whether your sugars are from junk foods or fruits. How's your fat intake? If you track on (which is free), you'll *know* for sure. From there, you can figure out if you need to change anything, and if so, what. <P>As far as ounces are concerned, personally, I can eat a lot in one sitting, too (I'm 10 months out). I measure food in grams of protein and carbs and fats (and sugars), and by calorie intake -- not by ounces, because so much depends on the texture and type of food. Eight to ten ounces of chicken would be a lot. Eight to ten ounces of something soft (like turkey chili, or egg beaters), or a Lean Cuisine ravioli, wouldn't be hard for me to do, I think. Yet the grams work out okay.<P>As far as the plateau goes, once you figure out how you're eating on a usual day, you can make adjustments. Then, of course, there's always the dreaded word: *exercise*. And water intake. Now is a good time to get a handle how you're doing with all of that (now that the pouch has pretty much healed up from the surgery). Good luck!!
   — Suzy C.

April 4, 2003
hi. my operation was on 10/01/02 and i, too, have been on a plateau for almost 3 weeks. i think it's normal and that your body is just stabilizing. also, i find that i can eat much more than a couple months ago, though i still have rare episodes (like last night) when i either eat too fast or too much and have to throw up. i guess i just want to say that though i think your concerns are normal, i think you're doing fine.
   — Karen K.

April 4, 2003
Jennifer, I went to your profile to get a little more info so that I could answer you more intelligently, but, there is nothing there since 3 months post-op! I would urge you that if you are going to ask questions, keep your profile updated as the more info you have in there, the better your responses will be. One thing I would ask is, are you exercising? a one month plateau is not alot and happens, but if you aren't exercising, starting to do so, or even if you are, varying your routine, can help to get past a plateau. Also, what is making up your 1000 calories? Are you eating too many carbs/sugars (those evil carbs and sugars!) and getting in enough protein and TONs of water? Just ensuring that you are balanced with mostly protein, tons of water and light on the carbs and sugars should help get you past a plateau. 1000 calories is not necessarily too much for 7 months-consistency counts.If your eating small amounts several times a day, that is best. Also, do you stop eating when you are satisfied, or do you continue eating until you are over full? Satisfied is good, overstuffed is not..
   — Cindy R.

April 4, 2003
It sounds like you are referring to volumn and not the weight of the food (grams). 8 to 10 ounces is about 240 to 300 cc, and the normal stomach can hold about 1500cc, so you are probably okay. I depends on what that 8 - 10 ounces is made up of - make sure you get enough protein (and water).
   — koogy

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