Where do I get a wedge pillow?

I have been told that I need to obtain a wedge pillow for after surgery to make comfort at home a better environment I dont have a recliner. Does anyone know where I can aquire one? Any other must have comforts I need? Thanks ~Angel~    — angel_wls (posted on November 20, 2001)

November 19, 2001
you can also order one from walter drake or those "junk" magazines...mine was 15.00
   — Jackiis

November 19, 2001
To make it easier to get out of bed myself I just arranged some extra regular pillows for under my upper body. This made sitting up easier. Although one day they somehow fell out of bed and I yelled for my wife to help. WHALE on the beach! You might as well make fun of yourself at these times.... Makes for funny stories later.
   — bob-haller

November 19, 2001
You can order one from a catalog called "Dr. Leonard's". The phone number is 1-800-785-0880 and the item number is 98814. It cost $17 plus tax, I believe. I ordered mine from there, and it was a lifesaver the first couple of weeks after surgery. I didn't have a recliner either. I still use mine for reading in bed. Good luck!
   — blank first name B.

November 20, 2001
I got one of those wedge shaped pillows with the arms (or rather, my DH did) at Walmart for $9.99. My grandmother always had these pillows in her house when I was a kid and I used to love them. The good thing about them, with surgery, is that if you lay them flat with the narrow edge down, you can sleep on it in a slightly reclining position, which is more comfortable than trying to sleep flat the first few weeks.
   — Dee P.

November 23, 2001
Try a medical supply store. They almost certainly will have them. But IF you can get them at a Wal-mart like the previous poster said they would be cheaper there.
   — Danmark

November 24, 2001
I got my wedge at Bed Bath & Beyond for $19.99. It was just the right height, and let me sleep comfortably in bed on my back. It also had a washable cover. I'm still using it 2 1/2 months post-op....I love it!
   — Claire P.

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