Pain that doesn't subside upper abdomin & stomach, just under ribs, why?

Six months ago I had this and now it's back. I'm 18 months post op and eat pretty much what ever I want. I haven't been able to relate the pain to any certain food. I've had my gall bladder removed so it's not that. My ribs feel sore to the touch. I'm not excercising too much or anything like that. I've tried every OTC med I can. Help! My doctor says it's nothing. But I can't function in this much pain. My surgeon is far away so I haven't asked him. Thanks!    — [Anonymous] (posted on December 9, 2001)

December 10, 2001
How much water are you drinking? How about gas - are you having alot of gas? I hate when people refer to these two seemingly simple things as being the reason for some pretty intense pain, but thats what it turned out to be for me. Mostly trapped gas. I was taking percocet for it thats how bad it has been for me. And one night I thought - I wonder if a tums will take it away. Sure did! Now if I don't drink say 16 oz. of water by 10:30 a.m. then it seems by the second day my kidneys bother me. So I make sure I drink that water by a certain time of day. Otherwise, I end up not getting in all my water. Try that and let us know how it does.
   — K T.

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