Why do I gain weight during the day, but lose it at night?

It seems that overnight I will lose a couple of pounds, but the first thing I put in my mouth during the day, I will gain weight. I still can only eat a few bites. I don't eat a big dinner, because it is late when I get in and just interested in feeding the hubby. Can anyone explain why this weight gain happens to me? I will speak with my doctor next month. But I have to wonder is it a medical problem? Thanks for your response    — LaVerne C. (posted on January 10, 2002)

January 9, 2002
I think this is normal and happens to everyone. I weigh myself in the morning (in the bluff!)and I lose weight from the night before, but same thing, as soon as I eat or drink something, there is about a one pound difference! Now it really gets crazy when you go to the bathroom and empty out, you can lose that same pound again. I have tried all the tricks and comparison's, so I really do try now to weigh only in the morning before I eat, in the bluff, and not to get on 10 more times during the day. As long as I see the scale moving in the mornings, then I know I am losing weight. It's hard not to drive yourself crazy with the scale, but with time you get less obsessed and you realize that the weight is coming off no matter how many times you weigh and what it says. So, just relax and enjoy...happy losing!
   — Vicki K.

January 9, 2002
You aren't losing "fat". You're describing the normal ups and downs of daily fluid retention. That's why weighing yourself every day isn't a good idea. If you really want to monitor your weight, weigh yourself once a week, same day...before breakfast. It's more accurate...and it takes the pressure off!
   — [Anonymous]

January 9, 2002
I think that it is normal to gain a couple during the day and then weigh less first thing in the morning. I have always been like that. Thats why I only weigh first thing in the AM, right after I visit the girls room, and in the buff. Then I don't revisit the scales during the day.
   — Cheri M.

January 10, 2002
I gain 6 POUNDS during the day every single day!! I know I don't eat 6 pounds of food but for some reason I do this every day. Go figure. So I weigh only in the morning and usually only once a week. Staying away from the scales is the hardest thing in the world but you'll be glad you did in the long run. Just weigh in the mornings and forget about that weight gain during the day. BEST WISHES!
   — ronascott

January 10, 2002
Spare yourself the aggravation. Weigh ONCE A WEEK - that's ALL. This process is going to take almost two years..!! If you're on the scales even twice a day.. that's 1460 times!!! If you weigh once a week.. that's 104 times. And odds are in your favor that you'll have a higher ratio of LOSSES vs NO LOSSES if you aren't obsessing about the scale every day!! I would rather see a loss 85 times out of 104.. than see NO loss 1300 times in two years... WHAT A DOWNER!!!! Get OFF the scale..and get ON with your LIFE..!! Trust me.. it will happen - even when you're NOT looking.. :-)
   — Diane E.

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