What are the pros and cons of eating 3 meals and NO snacking or 6 small meals

and no snacking. Or 3 meals and a mid morning and night time snack. I see so many different opinions here I would like to see some of the pros and cons and the logic behind the method you have decided to chose as your eating patterns. Thanks~~    — Sassy M. (posted on March 9, 2002)

March 9, 2002
I am one year post-op and can have small meals now which give me the necessary energy. When I was early post-op, I ate 6 times per day. Now I try to keep it to three times per day + a small snack right before bed. Why? Getting in the habit of eating between meals is a real mistake with this surgery, since--when we eat every few hours--we are adding extra calories that can stall our weight loss. I eat a small snack before bed (no more than 200 calories), because I can't get to sleep if I'm at all hungry. I'm 166 lbs. down, so I guess my philosophy is working for me ...
   — Terissa R.

March 9, 2002
This very question came up during our Nutrition class a while back. The nutritionist could not emphasize it enough: no grazing! The reason: time. You should not drink 1/2 hour before you eat. It should take you 1/2 hour to eat, then you shouldn't drink again for another 1/2 hour. So, using this math, there will be an hour and 1/2 of no drinking time each time you eat, which is 3 times, so that is 4 1/2 hours each day that you cannot drink your water. If you eat 6 times a day, that would be 9 hours that you are not supposed to drink. If you can get all your water in and still eat 6 times a day, then good for you! Ask your nutritionist before you decide, though. I'm so glad my nutritionist broke it down for me, which makes complete sense! Besides, water can take the edge off hunger pangs! Definitely talk to your doctor and nutritionist, perhaps they feel it's better to eat 6 small meals a day!
   — LaRayne H.

March 9, 2002
Hello Connie, I myself eat 5 to 6 times a day. Each meal no larger then 2 to 3 ounces. I personally don't consider this grazing. Grazing, to me, means that you are snacking all day, on things that may be no-no's. I eat my meals at specific times a day, and am finished with them within a half an hour. And I get all my liquids in. I have attempted to eat three meals a day, but getting all the protein I need in ,in just three meals was impossible, and would make me feel too full, like I was stuffing myself. The several mini meals a day has worked well for me as I have lost over 130 lbs in 7 months, with 65 more to go. I guess each eating plan had it's pros and cons depending on who you talk to. Good luck to you :)
   — Carey N.

March 9, 2002
I eat often to maintain my weight. I eat so little I would disappear if I only ate 3 X a day! I also use that oppertunity to consume extra protein such as cottage cheese or cheese sticks. But even during the weightloss process I found 6x was better for me , otherwise I had a hard time getting in my protein , which I did supplement out of fear!!
   — Rose A.

March 9, 2002
I did the 5-6 tiny meals during the weight loss & stabilization stage, too. 1-2 oz every 2 hours or so. I drink 30 min after meals. NOW I do 4 meals (or FOOD periods! as Barb says! LOL) a day. But I have my protein supp shortly before a meal to blunt my appetite & keep me from eating too fast/too much. On days that I might be tempted to graze (tense or stressed), (kinda eating constantly, picking), I use more protein supps and I might go back to the 6 mini-meals to keep my grip on it. My pouch is still reasonable small at 7.5 yrs & I want to keep it that way, so small meals. I do not eat anything between "meals". If I'm eating something, it's one of my "meals".
   — vitalady

March 10, 2002
Connie, you *really* need to consult your surgeon about this and follow his/her advice! My surgeon teaches three meals a day *only* and says that grazing/six meals a day, etc. for a gastric bypass patient is suicide. Please talk with your physician...and all the best to you.
   — CaseyinLA

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