I would like to hear from pre-ops who were 350-360 and 5'6

What type surgery did you have? How much did you lose in a year and how often/how extensive did you exercise (How many times a week and what type of exercise each day?)? I would like to hear a variety of answers because I am planning on working very hard to get to my goal in one year for my high school reunion and I need to know if it is even reasonable for me to think I can. I need to lose 200 pounds to get to goal. I know that everyone is different, but I think it will help me put things into perspective if I hear various testimonies.    — Kelly M. (posted on March 30, 2002)

March 30, 2002
Hi - I am 5'7'' and started @342 - I am 8 mos post op (RNY - Distal) and down 148lbs. I fully expect to loose to close to goal - my "ideal" on the charts will probably be too little for me, but my own goal is around 160.
   — Jean K.

March 30, 2002
Hi, Kelly. Well, I'm close: I was about 342 when I started and I'm 5'5. I will be at one year on May 2. I have lost about 127 lbs. and probably want to lose another 50. I was exercising about three times a week but over the past month have slowed down (as has the weight big surprise there!) I wouldn't sweat the reunion. You might be at goal in a year or not, but you're sure gonna FEEL terrific regardless! Just trust the process. When I work with it, it works just fine. Good luck!
   — Mary Ellen W.

March 30, 2002
Hi, Amazingly, before my surgery I was measuring at 5'4, but now that I've lost quite a bit of weight I am now measuring 5'6, which is what I used to measure at in highschool, bizzare or what? lol. Anyway, I started at 341, had LAP RNY, 8 months ago tommorow, and have lost almost 140 lbs. I have 60 more to go, and my doc and I both feel with my diet and exercise regimine, that I will make it to goal by my year anniversary. I don't do a specific exercise, but I do do a lot of strenuous yard work, and I walk alot. I also stay on the Dr. Atkins diet. Not everyone agrees with sticking to a "diet" post op, but I wanted to lose this weight quickly, and this surgery has made it so easy to stick with it, as before when I was pre op I couldn't hack more then 3 days of it. Best of luck to you!
   — Carey N.

March 30, 2002
Hi there... Wow it looks like 342 lbs. is a magic number..I too, began my journey at 342 lbs. and stand 5'6". I lost my first 100 lbs. after 6 months. At my one year anniversary I had lost about 150-160 lbs. I'm 2 1/2 years post-op and have lost a total of 180 lbs. thus far. I'm still dropping about a pound each month, but it's slow and easy going at this point. When I was a newbie post-op I walked 5 miles/day and worked out at the gym several days each week. The further out I got the more mellow I became about my workouts and today I walk 3.5 miles daily (m-F) and 5 miles on the weekened. Good luck and keep us posted on how you are doing. Cheers!
   — Brealynn

April 1, 2002
I was 330 at 5'5" on mAy 24th. I now weight 220 4/1/02. I have lost 110 lbs and hope to lose another 40 lbs to reach my goal. I have started jogging and run with hand wights. I don't know what that is doing, but it must be helping. My weightloss has been slow since Christmas but I am excited everytime, I can wear a new size. I am in a 16 right now and 10 months post op.
   — Stephanie N.

April 1, 2002
I started at 370. I am 8 months post op and now weigh 230 pounds. I have lost 140 in 8 months. I would have los more, but I have slacked off in the past two months with exercise and eating (read my profile). I have gotten back in gear for the past week and dropped 5 pounds. I plan to just lose about 10-15 a month from here on out. Honestly---use the first three montsh to your maximum potential. Exercise every day and stay aways from carbs. I did that the first two months and boy did I lose a pound a day until I added carbs and exercised less. I have four months to go before I hit a year and will probably lose another 50 pounds. That puts my one year loss at 190 pounds, with my tummy tuck this July, I will probably wiegh in at about 200-205 lost. It is possible. If you are trying to look good for an event that goal should keep you focused! My final tips for fast weight loss: NO CARBS< WATER LOAD>EXERCISE 45 MINUTES A DAY!!! Good luck!
   — Courtney W.

April 1, 2002
Oh--I am 5'6, too. I had lap RNY
   — Courtney W.

April 1, 2002
hi, I started out at 377 lbs. I'm 5-7 it's been one year since open rny and i'm at 217lbs. I followed the prescribed diet for the first 7-8 mos.Since then I just eat the way I was told... eat slow, quit when full. I pretty much eat anything I want and I don't really don't exercise at all, but I do have an active life! I had this surgery because I didn't want to "diet" the rest of my life, I try to eat healthy foods, but I won't deprive myself of anything! On the downside of this,my weightloss has slowed down to 3-4 lbs. a month, but I am very satisfied with this, I know I could lose more, but I'm very happy with the way everything is going. I can go out with friends and enjoy a basketball game,eat a slice of pizza, and just not worry about it! kinda like a 'normal' person should! No more sleep apnea,I'm off all high blood pressure meds. Please make" long term" goals,the things you learn after surgery, the foods you eat, the amount you eat,etc. should stay with you the rest of your life, then it won't be like "dieting" and remember, you're doing this for 'YOU' some people will be against it, some will be jealous, but true friends will still be there, like always!! good luck
   — kelly K.

April 3, 2002
I'm 5'9, weighed 350 at the time of surgery two years ago, Lost 175 pounds in 12 months, gained back 5 & seem to have settled there, at 180. I'm hoping to get those extra 5 off in my abdominoplasty. It's funny when 5 pounds really DOES make a difference.
   — Kathy W.

April 27, 2002
Hello, I fit the description in which you are interested. I weighed 370 at my highest and am approximately 5'6". I had surgery in May of 2000. As I approach my 2 year anniversary, I also approach my own "goal" weight. On the day of surgery, I weighed 356 pounds. I am down to 193 pounds now and wish to make it to around 180. I did slow down with my weight loss....and got off track for awhile. You will have to rededicate yourself more than once, if you are like I am. Immediately after surgery, I walked daily...then, I went to biking for exercise. I now enjoy doing work out tapes about 3 times a week when possible. It won't be easy, but you cannot allow yourself to lose sight of your original goals. May I suggest a video diary? I have one....and the "me" of 2 years ago is often my best motivational source. I wish you CAN do it.
   — Dinah M.

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