
I got the hiccups this morning and, being pre-op, I chugged a glass of water and POOF! they were gone. I got to thinking: what do I do post-op? Those of you who have gone before, let me in on your secrets, please    — Gail G. (posted on April 15, 2002)

April 14, 2002
Hi Gail! I had the hiccups the moment that I woke up in recovery. (VBG 3/13/03) I also got them on and off while in the hospital. (Several times a day) It isn't really that big of a deal, just a nuiscance, they go away after a few hiccups most of the time. I also have noticed when I am full, I hiccup, odd I know, but that is what tells me to stop eating. Good Luck witgh your surgery and God Bless! Trish
   — Patricia H.

April 14, 2002
I have that problem too occasionally. The doctor told me that when my pouch is full is pushes against your diaphram which in turn causes you to hiccup, I do it when I eat alittle to much or drink to much quickly. So fill your pouch to full and the hiccups will follow. As your pouch empties the hiccups will go away.
   — janicediana

April 14, 2002
I get hiccups whenever I am full also! The only way I can get rid of them is to hold my breath. People always tell me "gulp some water", "spoon full of sugar", etc. Can't!
   — Kristin R.

April 15, 2002
I have the hiccups when I eat also. It was every day and sometimes 2-3 times a day. It seems as if recently I don't get them as much. I don't know why. They really don't bother me, and I don't try anything to make them go away. They last for a short amount of time and before I know it, they're gone...until next meal:~)
   — Cheri M.

April 15, 2002
Okay this is not a joke.....this really works!! Take a glass of water and a straw.....bend forward as far as you can go and take some sips from the straw works like a charm!!! If it doesn't work at first..keep trying because it will!! Believe me! :)
   — Jennifer M.

April 15, 2002
I also used to have lots of hiccups pre-op. Post-op, I still do on occasion, usually after I have eaten a little too much. But they seem to go away fairly quickly.
   — Dell H.

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