Just starting the process any suggestions?

   — Lisa W. (posted on April 15, 2002)

April 15, 2002

   — Gail M.

April 15, 2002
Read everything you can get ahold of. It takes lots of research and this is a great website. I would suggest going through the library and getting information that way as well as of course getting all the medical information you can regarding the procedure you are requesting. Also don't make the mistake I did and assume that your insurance will approve your request. You need to be your own advocate. Check out for great help on getting approval with insurance.
   — Joanie J.

April 15, 2002
My advise would be to go to this website and get this book. My surgeon wants all his patients to buy it and it has been a wonderful resource of information about ALL kinds of WLS, pros & cons, lists of things you might need for the hospital and after surgery, how to make a diet history, sample menus for after surgery and sample exercise charts. Go to It's worth it.
   — Wendy C.

April 15, 2002
I'm 8 weeks post-op and thrilled to be on this side! My suggestions? Be patient. Don't give up, no matter what. Research WLS for yourself and write everything down so you won't forget. Make your own decision, based on your research, about the type of WLS you want. Unless you want everyone to know about your WLS, be careful who you tell about your surgery, you can never "un-tell" someone. Don't ignore the negatives about WLS, but don't let them overly scare you either. I'd redo my surgery again (proximal lap RNY ) without a moment's hesitation. I'm -35 so far (-85 more to go) and I feel healthier than I have in years.
   — Kathy J.

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