Has anyone else just freaked out before surgery?

My hormones and emotions are just wacko. <p> One second I am floating on air, the next sobbing, the next screaming and yelling, the next indifferent and then lastly - melancholy.<p> My surgery is in 11 days. I have been waiting since November and never really thought the day would come.<p> Yeah, I know: Denial is not just a river in Egypt.<p> :)    — Anna M. (posted on May 4, 2002)

May 4, 2002
You are not alone. I am FREAKING out too! I have been married to a great guy for nearly 10 yrs. Last night I got physical with him and I dont mean in the biblical scense. I hit him with a pan scratched his neck and broke a Cd he just got. Why you might ask yourself???? HELL IF I KNOW>? I am so happy one minute and the next I feel like I am going to fall apart and cry. I started Ativan night b4 last and I think it might be helping. I just hope it gets better b4 scare him away for good or have to find a good spot to hide his body....eeeeeeeeek lol Surgery here in 16 days. It HAS to get better..... (Ps we have NEVER faught like that b4 NEVER put hands on each other)
   — Sassy M.

May 4, 2002
As she said before~ you are not alone here. My surgery is in 17 days and I have been such a basket case. All I do is yell and fight with my boyfriend. I am hoping that the stress and emotions will level out sometime soon. If not, I wonder if he will be here when I come home. I think it is just all of the stress and testing that we are putting our bodies through. Hopefully the other half will understand and be patient.
   — Candi B.

May 4, 2002
YES!!! I'm a little wacko also! But...isn't it exciting? Haven't freeked on the hubby yet, though...=) What I do when I get anxious is just think of how wonderful I'm going to look and feel in about a year! I'm soooo lucky to be able to have this oppertunity to better myself! Although...have you been eating your absolute favorite foods in excess ???? hahahaha , or am I the only one??? 30 days and counting!!
   — JODY V.

May 4, 2002
The day before my surgery, I was in the chat room crying my eyes out! Those wonderful people kept me sane and on tract. That was 2+ years ago, 148 pounds ago, and 26/28 to 6/8 sizes ago. Do what you need to get through it- my suggestion is keep it here on this site, postings and chat room. This is where the people will understand you. Good Luck!
   — M B.

May 4, 2002
I'm not freaking out yet, although I'm only one day ahead of you. However, I am eating all my favorite foods. I've even been planning what I want to eat and what restaurants I want to visit this week. Ask me again in a week, though.
   — garw

May 4, 2002
Anna!!! We share the same surgery date! = ) I am feeling all of the same emotions...I feel like I am on a roller coaster! I thought I was handling it well and then I talked to my sister on the phone tonight. She lives hundreds of miles away and has remained neutral as far as my decision for surgery until tonight. She told me that she did not have a good feeling about me having the surgery and has heard nothing but bad things from people when she discusses me doing this. She told me she would rather have me here and have health problems than to not be here at all. I know her intentions were not to discourage me, but now I am a basketcase! The one person who always supports me no matter what...I am praying that I will not go psycho before the 15th!!!
   — Rachelle P

May 4, 2002
YES, Mine is May 20th and I feel the same way!!!
   — Sandra B.

May 4, 2002
My surgery is schedule for May 16, and I am very scare. Some days are better than other especially if I don't have to listen to family and friends with their morbid stories. I pray hard everyday and it seems to me that the days are flying bye. Good luck and keep praying ask him for the strength to cross into a new life. Ask and ye shall receive
   — tanya G.

May 4, 2002
Wow that sure described me before surgery, Total basket case, had my funeral planned, final instructions for Jen my wife, asked good friends to keep a eye n her when I died, left secret letters to some select folks, the whole 9 uards...<P> Woke up SHOCKED I survived, Its been 9 months now and things just well read my profile...<{> THERE TERRIFIC, down 134 pounds!!
   — bob-haller

May 5, 2002
Wow, I know how you feel! I am 18 days away from my date and it seems that I am excessively PMS'ing 24-7. My family has been wonderful, even though if it were me dealing with me, I would probably leave and return next year when hopefully I have stabilized! Anyway, I just tell them to ignore me and this too shall pass...good luck to you and everyone else experiencing pre-op wackiness!
   — Dustra S.

May 5, 2002
Hey girl, hang in there. I am having surgery is one day - YES ONE DAY!! - It is very emotionally disturbing and I have run the gambit of emotions from elated to terrified in like five minutes. It is a daily struggle to remember to breathe and pray and relax. Try to keep your mind on other things. Also it has helped me to get everything in order so that if some freak thing happened, and I was to pass family would be taken care of and not have to plan anything for me. It has been therapeutic to take care of my own life that way. I am very nervous today as I am packing to leave. I feel ready, but asked my sister last night "Do people who have cosmetic surgery (noses, chins, etc.) feel that they are leaving themselves behind?" Because in some ways it's like I won't be me anymore after the surgery. I know those are my two biggest fears, death and changing who I am. Good luck to you as you make it through the last few days. I am glad to be at the end of the waiting road - now moving on to the healing road. ~Kristi
   — Kristine P.

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