What's happening to me?

I feel so empty. Like there is not a soul in the world who understands me or even really cares about how I feel. I am crying everyday lately. I am worried that I might not have this surgery. I am worried about my daughter. I have nothing to wear for work this morning because my last work pants just ripped in the rear when I bent down like the rest of them.I'm a freak show. I am a mess and I don't have anyone to talk to. How does one cope?! I don't know what to do. How can I keep living like this?!    — Samar M. (posted on May 15, 2002)

May 15, 2002
You are not alone. I've been there myself many times. You need to make an appointment with a psychologist for some therapy. Sounds like you are depressed. Many of us have been there. Actually, I still take meds for depression. The important thing is for you to get some help as soon as possible. Ignoring it will only make things worse. Please make that call. God Bless You
   — Peggy D.

May 15, 2002
So sorry to hear you are feeling like this. I would bet that most of us have been there, that's why we go to drastic measures such as surgery. First of all, when I was feeling like this I went to the doctor and he put me on some depression meds. I didnt need them long term, but just long enough to get me out of a slump. Keep working on finding ways to get the surgery if that is what you have decided you want. I went to your profile, do you not have any insurance? If not, I have heard that there are some programs out there to help people like you. I wish you luck, I wish I could say something to make you feel better, but I have been there, everyone's cheery words never really seemed to help. Keep working on it, things will work out if you just keep trying.
   — Cory F.

May 15, 2002
I've been there / done that... still doing that a lot of times. Don't take it personally, but please go see a therapist.. You're not alone, nor are you a freak. Every one of us who's applied for surgery has worried about not getting it, every one of us has worried about our family, and *ALL* obese people have worried about their clothes (let's face it, clothes aren't easy to come by, they're not cheep, they're definately not always "fashionable") Try the chat room, we've all been there, or are there because we know someone going through the same thing.. but don't forget to see a counselor.. they can get you on a prescription drug to "help" you :) Good luck on your journey :)
   — Elizabeth D.

May 15, 2002
Hi Samar...I know exactly what you are talking about. This past week and a half has been especially bad for me, but thankfully I have great friends that I can talk to when I need to. I really think that it would help you tremendously if you would go talk to there a psychologist in your area that you can go talk to? I know that my depressions stems from being stressed out about whether or not I will get insurance approval. But I really think that you need to go speak to someone. It really does help A LOT. Don't just let it go and think it will go away and get better with time. The more time you waste, the worse off you will be. Good luck to you and if you need to talk, please email me at [email protected]
   — Giovanna G.

May 15, 2002
i know exactly how you feel. sometimes i get so sick of myself that i have these huge temper tantrums and get my whole family upset.i feel like it's not fair that i have to live like this while the beautiful/perfect people of the world get to walk around on cloud 9. sometimes, though, we need to take a step back and realize that everyone of us is here for a reason. try and find some good in yourself. it may seem impossible but i'm sure there is something that you like about yourself. when i bust out of a pair of pants before work (which has happened too often) i cry for a minute and then pick myself up and think about what great kids i have or what a great husband i have for making me laugh about things like that. you should definitely find some kind of counciler (sp?). if you ever need a friend, feel free to email me. i've had many embarrassing moments! the trick is to get through them. keep looking forward to your surgery and do bug your boss about insurance. you need to take care of YOU!! YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!!
   — nikki R.

May 15, 2002
Boy can I identify with you. Last night I attended a play at the school for my grandson. I was so miserable throughout the whole entire thing. I was sitting on a chair that was only supoorting half of me, my legs were aching, my back was aching, I felt that everyone in the room was looking at me. I kept looking at the closest door wishing I could escape. I also wonder how much longer I can go on like this. Sometimes I do not want to go anywhere but shut myself in the house until this is all over. You are not alone there are many of us out here in the same boat. We have to support each other and realize this too shall pass. God willing next year we will all look back and give a little sign and say Thank You God for getting us through. Good luck and keep on keepin on.
   — Leah S.

May 15, 2002
Sometimes life seems to be a very hard place. I want you to know that you are not alone. I think we have all gone through the times that all we do is cry. Have you talked to your family dr. Maybe he can give you something to help you feel a little less depressed. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please feel free to e-mail me if you just need to talk or just have someone to blow off steam to. Is there someone close to you that you can talk to? Don't give up. Things usually have a way of working out. Sometimes it just seems to take a long time. God Bless and keep you safe.
   — Carolyn L.

May 15, 2002
I can relate to exactly what you're saying. Like the other poster, I went to my son's school concert last night. I have a hard time fitting in their chairs and the longer I sat there, the bigger I felt. Even though the place was packed, the one seat next to me was empty. No one wants to sit next to a fat person! Regardless of how we feel, though, our weight is just a number and should not define who we are. WE ARE WORTHY--God says so and God loves us, regardless of how we look and how much we weigh. I read on your profile you are worried about insurance coverage. I have heard of people getting it covered through Vocational Rehabilitation Services. That may be an option for you. When you feel like giving up, pray--pray for comfort, strength and peace. God listens and he will answer your prayers!
   — Want2bslim

May 15, 2002
Samar--I think everyone that participates on this site can relate with your feelings. Personally I've been there and its a constant fight to stay "up" but you need to be as strong as you can during this time. Keep your sights on your goal--ask God for a little help. As for clothes--this site has a clothes offering, perhaps you could look into that? Its easier said than done but try to pull yourself out of the depression--dont focus on not having the surgery--focus on having it and improving your life. While you are waiting on the approval you could research all the elements involved with the surgery. I will add you and all the other members of this site to my prayers that everyone is happy, safe and healthy on the journey. :o)
   — Bambi C.

May 15, 2002
Samar - I know exactly how you feel. I have been struggling with depression as well. I have found that taking an anti-depressant helps tremendously. Also, try going to an Overeaters Anonymous meeting. Don't listen to what they say about your surgery, because I don't agree with them about mine and I wouldn't like to see them change anyone's mind about it, but it is a great way to begin to feel good about yourself and who you are even when you don't feel like it. They have a saying: We will love you until you can love yourself. It helps to have a relationship with God. He will get us through. He also gives us the ability to love ourselves, even when we don't. Do you know that He created you? Do you know that He counts every hair on your head? He knows every detail about you and still loves you. I hope and pray that this helps. Don't allow Satan to destroy you, just when things are going to get better.
   — Debra G.

May 15, 2002
I am so sorry you are feeling like this. I have been there personally and know how it feels to be in the depths of despair. I chose counseling and antidepressants for a period of time with the assistance of my PCP and therapist. There are many prescription options available to you that can help you. I have also participated in Internet support groups and met many people I could talk to "anonymously" and get unbiased input. Best wishes, and I hope you feel better soon.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 15, 2002
(((((( SAMAR }}}}}} A big, warm cyber hug from afar - MAN, I know exactly how you feel. Your not a freak show - if you can manage it, try not to say things about yourself like that. I know exactly how you feel though - I was at work about 1-month before surgery and I bent over and my daughter, who works in our office as well said, mom - you have a rip in your pants. It was some ribbed pants, stretch with elastic of course (I'm still wearing the same kind)and the stitching was completely out of them. I had been struggling to get this surgery handled for over a year - fighting with the insurance company & whatnot and that's all it took. I was so disappointed, in pain both physically and mentally and just embarrassed that I was at work with my big o behind hanging out. You know what I did? I went home, put on some sweat pants and went up to the closest big Momma store and bought 1 pair of the biggest pants I could find in our small town - they were size 32. I am of the firm belief that our outside shell is not what makes us - it's our inside. I know A LOT of really thin individuals who are some of the most hateful people I've ever come across. I know times get tough, I KNOW it and it seems like, at times, when things are going their crummiest, someone does or says something that makes it even 10 times worse. The worries that you have in regards to your surgery and your daughter, that's completely normal. I often refer to this surgery as the emotional roller coaster of Life. The waiting before getting approved or finding the money to have it, it hard on the emotions. After getting approved, a whole new set of worries comes into play. After the surgery - again, a whole new set of concerns - I think it's what they call Life and at times, I get so frustrated with it. If you can learn to get through the obsticles rather than fight your way through them, I promise you, it will help. There are a lot of people within this support group that are completely connected due to the sisterhood of obesity - it's a tough thing to go through in life, alone and this website certainly helps to give us a common ground with other people. Reach out like you did - look at the responses you received - I bet you 3 out of 5 of these people, if not more, have been in the place that your at now. Use our strength to hang on to and we'll get through this as a team. Let me know if there is anything I can do from an email or phone call away - I'd be glad to help. May bright, brilliant blessings be poured over you today - may you see the beautiful person you are, as you are, today.
   — Lisa J.

May 15, 2002
Samar - I am so with you on this! I know exactly those feelings you have. Sometimes I still feel like a freak show when I walk into Wal-Mart...and some snot-nosed kid stares at me mouth agape and eyes bulged. Try to cheer up - try not to concentrate on all the crappy stuff that can and has happened and focus on the great stuff that WILL happen. You are a beautiful person, a wonderful person who deserves the best. Just breathe and think all the happy thoughts you can. I know it sounds strange, but sometimes when I'm sad or depressed I imagine 'Pamland' a magical fantasy land where I have the body of Cindy Crawford and the money of Ross Perot!! Good Luck - {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
   — Pamela P.

May 15, 2002
Hi Samar, I wish I could give an answer that would magically take away your pain. I read the other responses and just sat here in tears myself because we all know what it is like to live like this. Don't doubt yourself and give up on this surgery, it will change your life. I don't know what size you are but I sometimes tell others this who are scared of the surgery, if I can do it and make it anyone can. I was so afraid of not making it through the surgery at all but one thing to remember is that they aren't going to do the surgery if they have a concern for your health. They checked me out thoroughly and I even had many problems, sleep apnea, high blood pressure and mild asthma. Also I was 543 pounds and scared out of my mind but I felt the way you did, I was depressed all the time and losing my ability to cope. I was so close to having to quit work and go on disability because it was an effort to get up and get ready for work everyday, then the walking at work, I just didn't think I could go anymore. I had an aweful time even finding clothes to fit and only had a few outfits to wear so I kept them clean and made them last as long as I could. I am down to 380 pounds now in 10 months and I still feel huge but I am working hard to change my life and I feel so much better already. I am walking again and able to do my own shopping again it feels so good. I get down even now because I felt like I haven't been losing fast enough but I try to remind myself that it will take time. Don't give up on yourself, you are worth it and you are special, remember that. I wish I could help more, I want to just reach through and give you a great big hug, so here it comes ........squeeze!!!!!!!! Take care and I wish you all the best.
   — Monica F.

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