Stomach tied in knots

My surgery (open rny) is may 28th & i'm very nervous. Have had diarhea for the last week. Any words of encouragement & or prayers would be greatly appreciated. Sheila Gerard of Phx Az.    — Sheila G. (posted on May 21, 2002)

May 20, 2002
I was like you. I drove myself nuts with worry. I couldn't sleep, I just wanted it over with. I was so incredibly scared, I was a basket case in the pre-op area, the nurse must have thought I was crazy. I was so tearful. Once it was over, I thought, what was I so nervous about. I won't lie to you it is rough at times, but it isn't so bad that you should make yourself sick before the surgery by worrying. The worst part for me was I had a bad reaction to the morphine. Other than that, it wasn't really that bad. Just make sure you do what they tell you to and get up and walk. Good luck to you!!
   — Shona M.

May 21, 2002
OMG... this is me... My surgery is tomorrow and I have been worried sick... I can't sleep, everything seems to go through me like water and I am on edge... just wanted to let you know that you are definitely not alone... Good Luck and God Bless =)
   — Beffy W.

May 21, 2002
My surgery is May 29th. I too am nervous, but you have to take some deep breaths. Try to do something between now and then to take your mind off of the surgery. Go for a walk, see a movie or go get a body massage. Do something for yourself. Remember, you have done your research and you know this is the beginning of a new era for you. Go to the mall and window shop. Look at all the nice clothes you will be able to shop for once you hit your goal. And say some prayers...God will be with you. Good luck.
   — Cindy M.

May 21, 2002
Hi Sheila. I had open RNY on 1/15/02 with Dr. Zahn and am down 101 pounds. You will do wonderfully. You are in good hands. There is also a yahoo group for us in Arizona.
   — Nichole B.

May 22, 2002
Hi Sheila. My surgery 3 months from yours and sometimes I get really nervous thinking about it and other times I feel at peace with my decision to have the surgery. Maybe if you tried some relaxation methods such as breathing exercises, listening to soothing music or try to think ahead about all the things you will be able to do as a thinner you. I have read on this website that if you're so nervous the day of surgery the doctor will give you something to relax you a bit. I'll keep you in my prayers and wish you good luck.
   — Kathleen K.

May 24, 2004
Sheila, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I am scheduled to have my surgery the 27th of May. I have been scared to death. I worrie what will happen to my daughter, my husband. I know how you feel. I'm sure that we all feel the same way. When we come out of anathesia, we can just thank God that it wasn't our time. It is our rebirth, so, good luck and happy Birthday.
   — neumjake

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