Who is Wanda Smart that I keep reading about? Where is her story?

In the chat room, I read from another pre-op member that she had read Wanda's story, and was really scared. I can't find this information. I am also very scared, my surgery is set 7/23/02.    — fredorgan (posted on May 28, 2002)

May 28, 2002
Hi Chris, I don't know Wanda story, but there are so many out there. What are you scared about? Let us know and maybe we can help. All the best. Sarah
   — sarah C.

May 28, 2002
I am Wandas angel, friend and in her words inspiration. Her story <P> <P> Is indeed a sad one. It troubles me greatly. You need to know Wanda is 60+ years old and diabetic for a long long time. Jack her hubby says she would of died WITHOUT surgery, from her co morbidities, just as many of us , me included would. I pray daily that she improves and eventually gets rehab and can go home. At least now she can talk and communicate. As of yesterdays report she is improving, a very good sign. This has taken its toll on me.....
   — bob-haller

May 28, 2002
No offense, but if you are already scared, why would you want to read a profile about someone's horrible experience? You know these types of complications happen so rarely, and that you are more likely to die or be injured from complications of your obesity. For me, I would rather stay away from profiles like that, as well as the memorial page. I think they just scare us when the chances of that happening to us are so small. Good luck to you.
   — Jennifer Y.

May 28, 2002
Go to "Find Peers". Scroll down. Type in the word "Smart". All kinds of names with the last name Smart will appear. Click on her name, Wanda Smart and you can start reading about her journey, which is a serious one. Then count your blessings. I pray Wanda will fully recover and will live a full life as she deserves. AND, best wishes to you also.
   — Annie H.

May 28, 2002
Jennifer - I disagree with your remark about avoiding profiles of people who've had a difficult time or avoiding the memorial page. For one, people come here to research weight loss surgery. That means they SHOULD have the good and the bad so that they are fully aware of what to anticipate. Secondly, please remember the "S" in AMOS -- we are here to support one another. That support doesn't stop when things go wrong, it grows even stronger! By avoiding the negative or the unhappy, we miss out on opportunities to reach out.
   — Anna L.

May 28, 2002
Chris, don't think too much about your surgery! I say this because we all know that any surgery on a Morbidly Obese person is very risky! But don't dwell on it. If you thought about driving your car and the risks to your own life or others, would you stop driving? and thousands of people die in car wrecks each year. It's the number one way children die. If we think about driving, or research driving and it's dangers too much, we'd all stop driving, thinking we were saving our own lives! We all know someone who's been killed or hurt badly in a car wreck, but we continue to drive! So in making my point, don't dwell too much on the negative! Don't think too much about it. Understand it and have confidence in your surgeon's skills and his team's care giving! just like you have confidence in your driving skills.
   — blank first name B.

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