I have checked the library, is straw use ok or not?

I read through the answers in the library. There are so many conflicting answers about straw use. I have never used a straw until today. I am a little over 2 months post op. I found it easier to drink with the straw and I think I can drink more than depending on drinking water from a bottle.    — candymom64 (posted on July 14, 2002)

July 14, 2002
I was told by my Dr. not to use a straw because it causes more gas. But, I to have found that I can drink far more water using one, and I don't suffer from any gas because of it! I think if it doesn't seem to bother you, then your OKAY!! GOOD LUCK!! Tambi (Lap. RNY May 23rd -44 lbs)
   — Tambi B.

July 14, 2002
My doctor told me not to use a straw for the first six weeks because of the excess air. I am now 13 weeks post-op and use a straw quite often. I agree with you both as far as being able to drink more with the use of a straw.
   — Dona R.

July 14, 2002
Here's conflicting I started using a straw while still in the hospital and told it would help me "sip" it didn't cause me any gas or such. I find it helpful now it seems i get more in (im 12 weeks out)
   — Laurie B.

July 15, 2002
GAS, GAS, GAS! For anyone, forget us surgery people using a straw will "enhance gas". I don't know about you, but I do not need anything bringing me more gas. This is now, however, when I was a few weeks post op I chose to use the coffee stirers as a straw so that I could get used to the small amounts of liquid. I also used a baby's spoon and fork so that I did not take too much food in. I hope this helps.
   — Erika B.

July 15, 2002
Phyllis, I have used a straw since I left the hospital. Just because you use a straw does not mean you are sucking air. If you have no problems with it, then by all means, do it. You know YOUR pouch better than anyone. I know what you mean about being able to get more liquids in with one. If it causes discomfort, simply stop using it. It isn't going to damage anything. Hope this helps.
   — Tina B.

July 15, 2002
I've used a straw since day one. My doctor recommends it. I've had practically no gas either. I am also able to drink more water this way. Hey, it works for me! :)
   — Kris S.

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