has anyone experienced headaches daily since surgery?

i had a revision rny on may 23,02. starting in the hospital after surgery i get headaches frequently. sometimes lasting hours even all day. i have talked to both my surgeon and my primary care physician and neither one of them can give ma any answer on why i am getting them. they did tell me they would go away. well its been 6 weeks and they are as bad as ever. even tylenol doesn't help. anyone else have this problem? thanks, darlene    — darlene F. (posted on July 18, 2002)

July 18, 2002
I have the same problem! My Dr. told me they may just be from sinus' and allegries and it could just be the season. What kind of tylenol are you taking, just crushed?
   — Heather H.

July 18, 2002
HI there.. Could these be caffeine withdrawal headaches, perhaps? Were you big coffee/soda drinker before and now you aren't? Just a thought .. I know the withdrawal of caffeine would certainly produce some nasty headaches.
   — Tracie B.

July 19, 2002
Log your headaches, food and fluid. Nutrasweet has been know to cause headaches in sensitive individuals. I think you are too far post to suffer from sugar or caffeine withdrawal. Headaches are the first place minor dehydration shows up, typically. Oddly, our bodies are set up so that "thirst" is one of the final symptoms. By the time you are thirsty, your body is already dehydrated. Experiment with no nutrasweet for a few days, more fluid for a few days, etc.
   — Karen F.

July 22, 2002
I haven't had surgery yet, but previously I did expierence severe headaches for several months and it was caused by an allergic reaction I had from another surgery--I was allergic to morphin and demerol--so you maybe expierencing that. It took weeks for my doctors to figure it out and it does last several months. Hope you feel better soon! Melissa

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