Is 75 to old for wls?

I have a relative who asked me to find out it she is too old for the surgery. She is 75 years old. Is this too old? She has usual ache and pains no serious problems but is in the 300's in weight. Does anybody know if surgery is done at this age? Pleas email me if you know the answer. Blessings Sheri Carson    — Sheri C. (posted on August 17, 2002)

August 16, 2002
Personally, if she were my Mom I would'nt want her too. But in any case I would think LAP would be the only way to go if she did. I can't imagine a 75 year old trying to recover from the Open.
   — Danmark

August 16, 2002
My surgeon has talked about this. Older folks are highher risk. Its largely a question of are they healthy enough to survive surgery. That depends on the individual. Plus in folks of that age have a shorter time to benefit from surgery than a 40 year old. I would advise caution in this area.
   — bob-haller

August 16, 2002
I am 60 years old and can't imagine doing this at 75. But then again, I didn't think I would reach 75 at the weight I was. I don't think most surgeons will operate on a 75 year old.
   — faybay

August 16, 2002
If she is healthy enough to undergo surgery at all, my recommendation would be the Lapband. It's less invasive, basicly just restrictive, and might be just what she needs. Why don't you call several docs who do this procedure around the country just to run it by them. Good luck.
   — Leslie F.

August 16, 2002
My doctor states he does not operate on anyone over age 65. Too risky especially if she is that age with no co-morbidities - why take the risk?
   — Pam W.

August 16, 2002
If she has reached that good ripe age of 75 with just the usual aches and pains of any 75 year old at the weight she is then I would say absolutely not!!!!! She doesn't need to tempt fate at her age. She needs to keep on doing what she has been doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   — diane H.

August 16, 2002
My doc did a guy who was 72 and who now expects to be able to live into his 90's. I think you should disregard the opinions of these naysayers and have her consult with a doctor. Grandma Moses took up painting at 80. If she wants to have the surgery at 75, be a lean 170 by the time she is 77 and go surfing, I say get on board and be her cheerleader. Age is just a number. As my dear departed Momma used to say, "It ain't the years, its the mileage." Good Luck to her and you!
   — merri B.

August 17, 2002
Let me add that I am NOT saying older folks shouldnt get surgery, BUT! Surgery has risks espically for older folks! Anthestic can be rough, hearts weaker, etc. I dont want to see someone die who was in too bad a shape to begin with. Its up to the surgeon to decide if its safe... I encourage them to check it out as a option, The LAP band would likely be better because its safer. <P> My comment about age is directly related to my friend Wanda Smart. At 60 and diabetic most of her life she was possibly not a good surgery candidate, and has had a terrible experience. IF surgery will give the patient a longer healthier life then its certinally worthwhile...
   — bob-haller

August 18, 2002
Sheri--contact a surgeon in your area and get that information from them. I've seen many older people getting the procedure. I think it depends upon their current health and risk factors to determine if they can handle the surgery.
   — Bambi C.

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