I am 10 months out and 38 yrs old was down 130 lbs I still need to lose another 60 lb

life was going great was riding my bike playing withj my kids then out of the blue I turn up pregneant I woul like to know if there are any older moms who has had surgery and came up pregneant I would like to know did everthing go ok were ther any complicationd did you gain much weight please let me know thank you [email protected]    — Julie B. (posted on September 13, 2002)

September 13, 2002
Very similar situation. I found out at 10 months out that I was pregnant as well, that was last month. I've lost 146lbs so far and only lost 2lbs last month and nothing this month. Being 9 weeks pregnant I thought I would still lose the first trimester but am finding I am either starving or nausea has set in. I've really only thrown up 3 times, seems like if I lay down after eating and it can pass through my pouch I don't throw up. I have 50-60 lbs left to go just like you and I too am concerned that I won't be able to continue losing as quickly after the baby is born. I do know that my tool will still be intact and I know the basics so hopefully that will help me (and you) get back on track so we are successful as well. email me if you want, I would love to keep in touch with you since we are so close in our journeys both in WLS and pregnancy. I found it very helpful when I signed up to the OSSG-pregnant yahoo group. Do a search and it will come up. They have a link there for the study that Alvarado Hospital (the "famous" Carnie Dr.s) and their study of 70+ women post-surgery is interesting and helpful for your OB. Main thing I see is that we need to stay on our regular regimen of vitamins in addition to pre-natals and folic acid. I have a couple of links to journals that other post-WLS women who came up pregnant as well. Let me know if you'd like, the one especially was encouraging as she still had weight to lose like us. Hope you are feeling well and getting lots of rest! I know I am getting the rest, this "lil pea" in me makes sure of that!! Patty EDD 4-22-03 9 weeks 3 days
   — mama2matthew

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