Has anyone done yoga?

Although I haven't even had my surgery yet, I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row. I was wondering if anyone else has done yoga as a form of post-op exercise rather than walking and doing aerobics. Both my knees have to be replaced and walking is just excruciating to me. Thanks so much, Claire    — gramof3 (posted on September 26, 2002)

September 25, 2002
I do a tape 3 times a week called "Yoga Conditioning for Weight Loss." It has 4 different women on it, all doing different levels of modifications depending on your flexibility. It has done WONDERS for my back. I had a lot of postop middle back pain, the doctor said it was from being on the table and from my body carrying the weight differently as I lost so quickly. The tape has been a wonderful tool. VERY relaxing and helps tone. I got it at Walmart for less than $15. Good luck on your surgery!
   — Carolyn I.

September 25, 2002
I think you might find at least some yoga poses to be very, very hard on your knees! I have one arthritic knee that prevents me from doing some of the poses. But the upper body stuff would probably feel good. Have you thought about armchair aerobics? We had an instructor come into our support group and show us how to do aerobic exercise in our chairs without stressing our knees and ankles. Everyone says yoga is so easy and relaxing, but I have found it to be rather challenging and I'm 23 and down to a size 14!
   — PT LawMom

September 26, 2002
I have done yoga and it improved my flexibility immensely! If you get a good beginner's tape or class, the instructor will show you modified poses if you can't handle the regular one. I could do almost all the poses for my beginner's yoga tape with no problem--getting better as I went along. Now, Pilates was a different story! My daughter came in looked at the TV then at me and said, "What ARE you doing?" She was only 3 at the time and even she could tell I was not doing it right! LOL
   — ctyst

September 26, 2002
Altho I love yoga, it IS very challenging. Pre-op, I would huff and puff and not be able to achieve all the required positions-too much in the way! As I lost weight, the poses became easier and easier to achieve, but each and every class, I felt like my body had really been worked out-not cardio wise, but muscle wise. Unfortunately, due to disc problems in my back, I had to give up the yoga, and I do miss it! I would suggest you wait until you have had surgery and have lost weight before you start yoga. you will find that the more weight you lose, the less stress on your knees. Your knees do get stressed during yoga.
   — Cindy R.

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