What is colonic hydrotherapy from post on 10/9/02?

   — Joan B. (posted on October 10, 2002)

October 10, 2002
It is a way to dehydrate you and send your electrolytes into craziness. Well, at least thats my opinion. :) It is basically one big enema.
   — RebeccaP

October 10, 2002
Colonic = your colon; Hydro= Water. Water up your bum.
   — Karen R.

October 10, 2002
Yeah, like others have said, it's like having a big enema that is suppose to clean out old "matter" (you know what I mean) from your colon. I guess it is suppose to make you healther (I don't know how) and lose weight (lots of people say it's just water weight you lose that comes right back on).
   — fropunka

October 10, 2002
I was suprised that one could administer their own. Sounds complicated. The ones with which I am familiar are done by a professional, tastefully done, controlled temps, atmosphere, etc. For some people, with either chronic diarrhea oR constipation, it may be the last resort before bowel resection surgery. It can "teach" the bowel to behave normally if it is not enough or TOO spasmodic. It surely idn't something "everyone" should run out & do, though the naturopaths often recommend a series of 3-6 at least annually. Many people lives nice long lives without ever EVEN hearing about this. But as I said, for some it is better than facing bowel resection (cutting a hunk of bowel out because it can't behave right).
   — vitalady

October 10, 2002
Colonic hydrotherapy is one way to cleanse your colon. Ostensibly, it washes out old waste matter toxic to the body. I did have a course of colonics some years ago, and was surprised at how much nicer my complexion was, maybe it has some merit. [*shrug*] Hope the info helps. Margie B
   — Marjorie B.

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