How many feet is 150cm , that's how much of my intestine was bypassed

I read this question before, but cound't find it again, but I would like to know how many feet 150cms is and how much I absorb in say a 600 to 800 calorie diet daily? do I abosrb all the fat I eat?I eat very little sugar!! and how many carbs can I eat a day,I have been having trouble with craving carbs lately, I am almost 8 months post-op and doing fine with my weight loss,--140 pounds and --91inches!! I am at goal according to my doctor at my weight of 130 pounds, but I want to lose another 10 to 15 pounds,10 at least will be gone after December when I have my plastic surgery, I need some ideas to keep away from carbs, I am also getting burn't out on exercising, I exercise 6 days a week at the club here in town and try to walk also, that has been hard, because it is getting too cold here in Illinois, but my last question is this, Will I have to keep exercising this hard after I get to my personal goal?? I know I won't be able to exercise too heavily after my boob job and tt for a while and I am actually looking forward to the time off of exercising, is this normal??    — bikerchic (posted on October 15, 2002)

October 15, 2002
There are 4.92 feet in 150cm's. I hope this help. You are doing AWESOME!! Congratulations.
   — Kathy J.

October 15, 2002
Hi Valita, I have to say you are doing awesome. And Im sure you look fantastic. Im pretty sure you will not have to exercise heavily like you are now but you still need to exercise and whatch what you are eating to maintain your weight. And If you don't in alot of cases you can gain weight back. So I would still work out. And It should not effect you while you are in the healing process of having your breast and tt done. I wish you the best of luck and keep up the great work.
   — Starla W.

October 15, 2002
Just about 5 feet, I had 150cm too.
   — Linda A.

October 15, 2002
150 cm is almost 5 feet. According to my surgeon, that is a distal - but a short distal. I was told that during the first year we absorb about 1/2 the calories we take in. After the first year, the intestines start absorbing more. My surgeon said that we will never abosorb 100% but that it will be more than in the earlier months. The best way to cut down on the carb craving is to cut down on the carbs - especially the starchy ones like bread, potatoes, crackers, rice and pasta. The more of these things you eat, the more you will want. I don't eat bread at all and I've found that when I start eating crackers I don't want to stop. I just recently gave a box of cheese crackers away because I found myself grazing on them. Two days later, the cravings were gone.
   — Patty_Butler

October 15, 2002
Thank you everybody for answering my questions,, it really helped me out, is 150cm/almost 5ft alot of intestines to be bypassed? or is proximal more then that???. I love this board, I get allmy answers from here and the message board... valita post-op 02-27-02 --140 pounds --91inches current weight 130 pounds...
   — bikerchic

October 15, 2002
Valita, you are certainly one that I look up to. I am also 8 months post-op, but still a good 20-25 from goal. Did your surgeon advise you not to have plastic surgery (tt, ) until after you were at least a year out? Mine did. As for the carbs, you may have seen my answers before, if I crave something, I eat it, just a small amount though. That includes carbs and sugars. Usually a small amount satisfies, though. I guess if it got out of hand though I'd have to cut back and limit the intake, but I am a believer in eating normally, which includes carbs, sugars and fats in our diet. As for exercise, you should cut back now! I think 6 days a week is a little much and your body needs some rest. 5 days a week should be sufficient, and when you reach goal, you can even cut back to 3 or 4. If you find you have trouble maintaining your weight loss, you could always add an extra work out session or cut back a little on the food amounts. As for the feet cms...I was always told proximal was below 150 cm and distal was 150 or more. I am 110. Sounds like that extra 40 cm made the difference for you!
   — Cindy R.

October 16, 2002
Wow! You are doing great!! 150cm is about 5 feet. That's what I had and my Dr. called it a long-limbed proximal. She said distal is WAY LONGER than that!!! You go girl! You're an inspiration!
   — Leah H.

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