Anybody have a good cardio/weight training routine?

I currently do THE FIRM workout tapes 6 days a week and Cardio on my stationary bike. Does anybody have any suggestions for a good aerobics video? Is push-ups safe to do yet (10 wks post)? Also I wanted to share, I signed up yesterday, its free and you can keep track of all your progress. It has a diary, food log etc. and its free! Thanks to all, Beth    — Elizabeth C. (posted on October 16, 2002)

October 16, 2002
Right now I am doing 30 mintues on the elliptical trainer and then right afterward I use the nautilus equipment at the gym for weight training, doing 3 sets of 8 reps each. That is my typical routine. I do other stuff like backpacking and bike riding but that is about it. As far as a good video goes, I always liked Richard Simmons Disco Sweat and Tae Bo is really good too. Once in a while I do those to mix it up a bit. I don't know the answer to the question about the push ups. Good luck with your routine! (5'3")Starting weight 245 Lap RNY April 8, 2002---weight now at 6 months post op 150.
   — A. S.

October 16, 2002
I suggest Kathy Smith's weightloss workout and her secrets of a great upper and lower body videos. Also, step Reebok is one of my favorites. I'd think you could do push ups at 10 weeks out, as long as nothing hurts when you do them. If you feel too much strain anywhere, go to a standing position and do the push ups against a wall or counter top. I actually did that for several months, every other day, to build up my upper body strength before I could do a 'real' push up, let alone a set or two of twelve. Good luck!
   — Carolynn J.

October 16, 2002
I know that some eople feel more comfortable working out in the privacy of their own home but for me to stay motivated, I have to go somewhere and work out. That is one reason that I LOVE Curves for Women. It is a great workout. You get as much out of it as you put in to it. You work out on a weight machine for 35 seconds then you jog for 35 seconds. There are 24 "stations" and you go around twice. There is one there that I love that really works my waist. I don't know if there is one in your area but it is worth checking into. I lost 18 lbs. and 14 lbs. body fat my first month working out!!! Good Luck~ Candi
   — Candi B.

October 16, 2002
   — Debby M.

October 16, 2002
I just started a new set of videos called "Weight Training Made Easy" by Joyce Vedral. They are amazing! All you need is 3 sets of free weights. I started with 2,4 and 5lbs. Day one is Upper body, ABS, Hips and Butt and Day two is Lower body, extra ABS, hips and butt. For cardio, I walk and ...don't around my living room with my 2 year old. I really dance and work up a sweat and he has a ball with mommy.
   — Leah H.

October 16, 2002
After working out for a couple months with a personal trainer ( an adorable , very fit 27 year old body builder who is a certified trainer) the routine he helped me develop is: 1)15 min warmup, ie. walking exercise bike etc. 2) Then aprox 1 hour of weight resistance training which can be eith weights or even stuff like situps, push ups etc. using your own body weight. 3) then 20 or morw minutes of cardio workout, it can be swimming , treadmill, fast walking etc. to get the heart rate going, ideal he says is 20 - 50 min at least 3-5 times a week. He also said ALWAYS do the weight/resistance training BEFORE the cardio training, for the most effective fat burning. I am now 3 weeks post op , but worked out like a demon for a couple months preop so I would be in the best shape possible going in to surgery. It felt great and I felt great. I Can't wait to get back into it when I am better healed.
   — **willow**

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