Has anyone been prescribed Lodine by your RA dr.?

My RA Dr. has taken me off Celebrex since it does not help with the swelling in my knee and fingers. I had surgery june 3rd this year and suffer of RA. Not nearly as bad as before my surgery but painful enough to need medication. I currently take Plaqunil, Methotrexate shots, and now he's prescribed Lodine for the swelling and stiff joints. He said it's very similar to celebrex. If anyone has information regarding this please give me some feed back. Thanks for you help.    — rdrshell (posted on October 23, 2002)

October 23, 2002
I was on Lodine for about a year, for exactly the same thing. Swelling and inflammation. It worked well for a while, but then we tried Feldene. It is taken once a day, relieves my pain, swelling and inflamation. However, all these drugs are NSAIDS, and what works for one, may not work for another. The docs are usually very open to trying a new one if one doesn't work well for you. Hope this helps. I have no side effects from Feldene, but Lodine requires you take it 3x day.
   — bevybrown

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