Rate of muscle gain versus fat loss

Im almost 6 months postop and at my last weigh-in at the beginning of December I have only lost 65 lbs total. I know with alot of people, it takes a year to drop 100 lbs... but some people on this site lose 100 in just 6 months!!! I work out at the gym with heavy weights 3 times a week. I know Im building muscles and that muscle weighs more than fat... but Im having a hard time NOT getting discouraged about the number on the scale. Has anyone else out there experienced the same thing?    — Valerie H. (posted on December 23, 2002)

December 23, 2002
Yes, there are people on this web site that have lost over 100 pounds in 6 months, but most of them are "super morbidly obese", or over 400 or so pounds. You do not fit into that category. It will take you longer to lose the weight. Occasionally there is the person on here that starts out at a low weight and loses extremly fast. I have to question their was a need for this surgery in the first place(don't flame me, just a personal opinion, I'm entitled). I do not have the capibility to lose weight like that, even with this surgery. If I did, I would not need this surgery. Your probably in that category. I started out at 283lbs on December 6, 2001. I am now down 120ish pounds. It will happen, but at different rates for all of us. Just stick with the plan.
   — Vicki L.

December 23, 2002
Hi, it's a myth that muscle weighs more than fat. A pound of muscle and a pound of fat both weigh a pound. However, a pound of fat takes up more room than a pound of muscle. Sorry, but it makes me crazy to see the 'muscle weighs more than fat' thing. <p> Anyway, have you done measurements? You are probably losing inches since the muscle you are developing takes up less room than the fat you are losing. If not, start now. Also, how are your clothes fitting. If they are getting looser even though you're not seeing the numbers on the scale go down, you are absolutely getting thinner! Sounds like you are doing the right things. Congratulations.
   — garw

December 23, 2002
I recently went though a 6-7 week plateau. I lost no weight but went down two sizes in pants!!! Do your measurements. It saves a lot of depression.
   — Oldsoul

December 23, 2002
I've heard muscle weighs more than fat, meaning the amount of space taken up by fat and the amount of space taken up by muscle might LOOK the same but on the scale they are different because muscle weighs more than fat. I've never heard a pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat because after all that's just silly. I think that they are talking about AREA. If you working out and you haven't yet lost inches, you could very well GAIN weight because you are putting on muscle and losing fat, you will weigh more even though you haven't lost the inches yet. That is where the "muscle weighs more than fat" corrollary comes into play. Some people become horrified after starting to weight train and find they gain weight. Which is why most weight trainers NEVER rely on the scale. The muscle/fat statement is extremely accurate and once you start building serious muscle, the scale can only mislead you.
   — susanje

December 23, 2002
Some answers to your questions can be found in my profile. We're in the same boat. Although I started out a bit heavier than you were 278, judging from your picture we're the same body type. I hope my profile gives you some answers.

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