Yesterday was christmas and I kinda feel guilty because.....

Becase i had some dessert. They were ALL sugar FREE. I had a very tiny peice of sugar free cake and a small peice of cherry pie (sugar free). I just now feel guilty. Should I? I know that its the holidays and this is about the only time my mother keeps this stuff in the house becuase she knows i dont like this kind of stuff around me but she and i both agreed that the stuff wouldnt hurt me for one day. Should i really be feeling bad. I mean this is only 2 days out of the year that my house gets like this. What do you think?    — sandrac131 (posted on December 26, 2002)

December 26, 2002
Hey! Stop beating yourself up! Special day...special occassion and it was sugar free! You did well! We are so used to beating ourselves up aren't we? It may be hard to adjust to not judging foods bad or good. Get plenty of protein, drink your water...walk and relax!
   — Joy A.

December 26, 2002
To me success means moderation. I try not to make food the enemy or cut out any one group of food. That only makes it the object of my desire and the one food that I simply MUST have. I do eat sweets in moderation and probably more on the holidays than I normally do. If you are, in total, following a healthy diet it certainly doesn't do any harm to have a bite or two of dessert. And you even had sugar-free! Geez! You did great. Don't worry about it!
   — ctyst

December 26, 2002
My surgeon told me that if I can "tolerate" it, I can eat it. I am sure that the amount you ate will in no way affect your success. LAP-RNY on Oct. 8, 2002, down 60. Good Luck to you. By the way, I even had a fork full of real cheese cake on Christmas eve. I ate it, and then passed the rest of it to my wife. That fork full was enough, I enjoyed it and that was that.
   — Steve B.

December 26, 2002
Honey! Stop worrying over this. We have this surgery in order to be able to be normal. Normal people have dessert at Christmas. You didn't do this to be on an eternal diet. Sounds to me like you handled the desserts perfectly and have a very good grasp on what you should and shouldn't do as far as keeping tempting food around the house. Lighten up and live a little. You're doing just fine!!!
   — ronascott

December 26, 2002
We are told there are NO BAD FOODS- you can have dessert with every long as you have it AFTER your meal of 75% every three bites of protein, have starches or veggies or whatever..and finish off with a bite or two or three (whatever you have room for) of apple pie or pound cake or ice cream!!!! Life should not be a punishment...
   — ~~Stacie~~

December 26, 2002
Nah. At least you went sugar free. Heck I ate half box of REGULAR nut candies. (But that was about 4-5 oz only). Do I feel guilty? Absolutely not! I'm good MOST of the time. I'm not going to sweat the little indulgences in life as long as they are not a habit.
   — Danmark

December 26, 2002
hi there :) please dont feel guilty. we all need to feel a sense of normalcy, not totally deprived of everything. you made the right choice in doing the sugarfree thing. feel good about that as the real sugar will either make you dump or slow your weight loss, so be easy on yourself you made a healthy decision while still being able to enjoy the sweets. :)
   — carrie M.

December 26, 2002
SUGAR FREE??? Gee, let's see, i had cookies, cakes, fudge, you name it i think i've had it this past week. i too feel guilty, but then i look at it that i am human and will make mistakes occassionally. even if i ate 5 cookies in a day that doesn't put a dent in what i would have eaten pre-op. i would have had 5 cookies at one time and never even really tasted them. at least now i savor the taste more. don't feel guilty, it's not like we do it everyday!! open RNY 5-2-02 -111...
   — candymom64

December 26, 2002
Sandra, you were a very good girl! :) Don't feel the least bit guilty. I snuck more than my usual 1 or 2 regular sweets during the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day feasts we attended. And it caught up with me last night....I never did dump but I was tired and headachey...back in the saddle again...only the occasional sugar free treat for me! But as everyone says, it's the holidays! Keep up the good work but do enjoy once in awhile! - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -98lbs.
   — Anna L.

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