Sleep Apnea enough w/o cpap machine for a co-morbid?

I went for my sleep study lastnight. Did have a few apnea episodes, but not enough for a CPAP machine to be placed. Although the sleep tech said that my o2 level dropped to 75% during the night, but not during an episode. She said that she was going to place the CPAP, but then I rolled over and my o2 level returned to normal. I woke up about 4 times while I was there. They will call if I need another sleep study. I asked the tech. what she thought and she said that she had never seen a case like mine and did not know exactly what my problem was.    — Nickie C. (posted on December 30, 2002)

December 30, 2002
I had the same thing happen. My doctor told me all I needed to do was lose weight and wasn't bad enough for the CPAP. Now my surgeon won't do the surgery because I had a couple of apena episodes and O2 dropped a few times. Surgeon is telling me I need the machine for 6 weeks before I have surgery and sleep doc is telling me I don't need it and insurance won't pay. Let me know what you find out. Good luck.
   — rpurdon

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