Any suggestions for someone who had

My best friend had 8 inches of her small intestine removed for a health problem not related to obesity. (She has no weight problem.) This was in October. Since then she has lost 16 pounds she didn't want to lose, throws up unpredictably, and has pain unpredictably. She's quite sensible, and has been back to the surgeon, and will be having elaborate GI testing over the next 2 weeks. I am not seeking any medical advice for her, but wondering if you have any other advice? She's started keeping a food diary. (She's a vegetarian of long-standing.) She says she wakes up with bad cramps in the morning at least once a week. I hope no one minds my asking. Thanks!    — Kim A. (posted on January 5, 2003)

January 5, 2003
Kim, the same thing happened to me. I had some of my intestines removed due to a bowel obstruction. I had the exact same sympthoms. I had a lot of adhesions (scar tissue from previous surgeries.) this could be what has happened to your friend since her other surgery,
   — Delores S.

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