I am claustrophobiac tried a sleep test but could not sleep any suggestions

Being claustrophobiac and restrained by the wires and belts I could not sleep is there any thing that I can do> This is the last thing I need to do before I can schedule my surgery    — Shanna S. (posted on January 8, 2003)

January 8, 2003
At my request, my PCP gave me a prescription for one sleeping pill. I took the pill and the next thing I knew it was morning.
   — Ellen S.

January 8, 2003
You may want to talk to the doctors at the sleep lab first before taking a sleeping pill. They will not provide it though. You will have to get your doctor to write you a prescription for 1-2 sleeping pills.
   — John Rushton

January 8, 2003
Try taking the test again. It is not uncommon to not sleep the first time. I don't think I slept 10 minutes that night.
   — Darlene P.

January 8, 2003
When I took my sleep study, I only slept 1 1/2 to 2 hours the night before, and worked all day the day of the study, so that when I arrived at the hospital I was sooo tired, it was all I could do to stay awake to get checked in!!! Good Luck Cathy Whitmer
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 8, 2003
I also had a hard time falling asleep with all those wires attached everwhere. Couldn't get comfortable until the technician gave me a sleeping pill the Dr. had ordered for that very problem. They were then able to do a thorough study and diagnosed severe sleep apnea. Now is use my cpap every night and feel rested in the morning.
   — Donna H.

January 8, 2003
I agree with the posts below that a sleeping pill may very well help. I took one before I had my sleep study and did fine. Also, it helps if you are extra sleepy/tired when you go for the test.
   — Hackett

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