What if Dilations Don't Work?

My sister had her Open RNY on Oct. 25 and had terrible complications which were nearly fatal. Luckily, she pulled through, but has had her share of complications since. One of which is the stoma keeps closing up. She is going on her 3rd dilation now, and we are getting worried about that "what if" this doesn't work? My RNY went perfectly and I had no complications...but I'm wondering how many dilations it can take to keep this stoma open. Has anyone had to go back into surgery to surgically correct this problem? I'm sure that's the LAST thing she wants! She's been in and outta the hospital since October. Any input would be appreciated!!!    — robinleigh (posted on January 16, 2003)

January 16, 2003
I'm reasonably sure that the dilations will work. I just wanted you to know that I know where your sister is coming from. I was just getting out of hospital/rehab for good when she had her surgery. Mine was May 14 and I didn't get home for good until October 18. At my last visit to the surgeon, I told him I could eat quite a bit more than I thought I should be able to. He said something about sending me in for another upper GI next time I see him and, if there was something wrong, going in to fix it. NO WAY! I'm not swallowing that barium junk again, nor am I having another surgery, unless I NEED it to save my life. Please let your sister know that she's not the only one to have complications and that things will get better.
   — garw

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