Post ops how did you celebrate when you reached your goal weight?

I am 14lbs away from my pre op goal weight of 150lbs. I had lap rny 3/4/02. With a starting weight of 283. I'm curious to see how you celebrated when you reached your goal weight. I'm also looking for some suggestions on ways to mark the day. I'm also wondering if there are any post ops out there who just can't be happy for their success like me. I think I'm still scared that I'm going to fail yet again at this.    — Marcy M. (posted on January 22, 2003)

January 22, 2003
Well, don't do it with food *G*... I am still far away, but you could splurge on a new outfit or some jewelry or a romantic getaway weekend for you and your significant other. You could treat yourself to one of those spa things where they treat you like a queen (or a king in my case *G*) for a day. <p> I'm down 142 pounds as of today (my open RNY was 07/17/2002) and am still 72 pounds away from my goal of 213 (.5 under half my original weight). The weight loss is coming slower now, but as long as it doesn't stop until I hit my goal, I'll be happy. Congrats on your weight loss! JR
   — John Rushton

January 22, 2003
   — bikerchic

January 22, 2003
hi there! :) im not to my goal yet but hope to be in a matter of a few months hopefully! :) ive got about another 30 to 35 id love to lose. its been an ongoing celelbration for me whenever i reach a certain point, i treat myself to new clothes! :) so many people where i live have observed and watched my tranformation and progress and are very happy for me, im thinking to mark the getting to goal by placing a before and after of me in the local paper entitled " I DID IT"! im not sure yet . :) best of luck to you. :)
   — carrie M.

January 22, 2003
First it was clothes........then it was some more clothes..........and I finally finished up with CLOTHES!!!!!! Once you've reaped the benefits of all the wonderful health improvements that come with substantial weight loss then the fun part starts. Did I mention that I also celebrated with MORE CLOTHES??!! Best wishes to you!
   — ronascott

January 22, 2003
I celebrated by donating one dollar for every pound I lost to this website....and Jewelry!
   — Cara F.

January 22, 2003
Marcy -- yes, I can definitely identify with the fear of failing, again, even when I'm within reach of goal. I have nine pounds to go (for my goal -- I've already met my surgeon's goal). I look upon this as the most exciting time of our journey, because this is the time we get to do something with the surgery that we've probably never done before with diets -- maintain!!!! And wear the same size for more than five minutes!!!! I swear, I never stayed at any goal weight in the past (if I ever got there at all) for more than a week, maybe two, before the awful regain began. So I totally identify with, and share, your fear about that. If we keep stickin' with what we're doing, though, I really do believe we'll be okay this time.<P>I've been tracking what I eat, and exercise, from the beginning, but I'm really into it now. I want to see what I need to eat in order to stay at the same weight. That's new for me, I've never tried to find out what that looks like before!<P>And as far as celebrating goes: I'm definitely down with the clothes thing (geez, I've been going nuts with buying clothes), but, when I reach goal, I am going to go skydiving for the first time (always wanted to try it). Ok, maybe it's a mid-life-crisis-cliche kinda thing, but it's also just a physical thing, and I wanted to celebrate by doing something that taps into all the energy I feel I have now. Plus, think how much daintier the sound of my landing will be now ("splat!" instead of "SPLAT!!!"?).
   — Suzy C.

January 22, 2003
I am almost there (20 more pounds) but my husband and I went to Hawaii. I know it's a little extravagent, but I've always wanted to go there and I said that we would once I got to my goal. I even wore a bathing suit and wasn't embarrassed!
   — dolphins94

January 22, 2003
Well, to celebrate 100lbs lost, I went on a cruise to Jamaica and climbed the 1000ft up Dunns River falls, and I'm at goal now @ 150lbs (Loss of 166lbs), but haven't decided on anything to do, so I'm interested to hear what everyone has to say. I do buy clothes, and more clothes, and I find I'm also buying ALOT of jewelry. I never really wore much of it before, but now I want to show off my tiny fingers and skinny wrists and neck LOL...Congratulations to you!
   — lily1968

January 22, 2003
Sigh...I am still 10-15 from goal. Drat these last 10 pounds!! I know what you mean about the fear of failing. I have been lurking on the OSSG-grad list (those more than 1 year post-op) and it is a very real fear as many of them have regained varying amounts of weight-the ones that scare me most are the ones that say that they are not overeating or snacking, it is just happening! Scary stuff. But we also can't live in fear all the time, and I do enjoy buying those CLOTHES, and more CLOTHES...I'm gonna have to move soon because I have run out of closet space....
   — Cindy R.

January 22, 2003
I celebrated 100 pounds lost by getting a tattoo! I have a beautiful butterfly and rose on my upper back (shoulder area just below my neck actually). For my goal weight, another 27 pounds to go, I plan to buy a matching bra & panty set from Victoria's Secret and a pretty new dress :) Actually, I can now fit into Victoria's Secrets bras now, tried one on over the weekend and if I had the $ right this minute I'd have a drawerful! :) :) You will not fail because you are ALREADY a great success! That goal weight is just a number to strive for! - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -106lbs.
   — Anna L.

January 23, 2003
I'm no where near my final goal however I have lots of short term goals. I have 13 more pounds till I'm no longer morbidly obese (14 pounds to the century club). I'm getting contacts. I've had them before but with my diabetes out of control, my eyes hurt all the time. Then there's about 30 more pounds till I'm no longer severely obese - I'm dying my gray hair back to blond!!!!. Then there is about 17 pounds to under 200. I haven't decided but a tatoo is a possiblity. Then 20 more pounds to my goal of being "overweight" and not obese. Something in leather and spiky heals. Celebrate the small victories.
   — Sunny S.

January 23, 2003
I had promised myself for years that if I got back down to the size I was in 1975 I would buy a fur coat. I bought a mink jacket as a Christmas present to myself in 2001. I have lost a total of 105 pounds.
   — Joanne T.

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