Has anyone had fluid retention after PS

Hi everyone, I guess I just need to vent, I had somemore ps 3 weeks ago and I have had a build up of fluid in my tummy area, having to have it removed twice since the surgery, once by surgeon opening incision again, and once by putting scissors in and removing fluid,now it has built up again, he said this sometimes happens after numerous surgeries? Then I am having terrible stomach pains all the time, like gas but worst. It happens all the time not just after eating, any thoughts? I appreciate any help. I don't know if it is the weather here in Michigan or just some minor depression I am going thru, but I am tired of feeling bad, thanks for all your help. Open rny Oct 01, tt/hernia June 02, follow up Jan 03 278/154    — lostitall (posted on February 1, 2003)

February 1, 2003
After my tt, I had to have seroma's drained from my stomach on 3 different occasions. My PS told me this happens in about 20% of people. He also told me the most he's ever had to drain anyone is 3 times.
   — Patty H.

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