I am switching to my husband's insurance

I was just denied through my company's insurance, BCBS, and my husband's company is having an open enrollment March 1st. I have proof of continuous coverage since July '01 which is about 19 months. My question is my new insurance will take affect March 1st, there is no wait, so can I have my surgeon submit paperwork March 2nd? Or should I wait a month or so. My husband's insurance is United HealthCare and is supposedly easy to work with. Has anyone done this and been successful? Has anyone had any problems switching insurance companies? Also, I'm not dropping BCBS since it's an employee benefit and costs almost nothing. Thanks...Ginger    — sweets1224 (posted on February 7, 2003)

February 7, 2003
CAUTION: Call your husbands' new, no..Better yet..Call his H.R. rep. and be SURE that there are no pre-existing condition clauses. If there is not than you should be good to go. I do not have this ins. that you are speaking of, but do know that some employeers choose to make it an exclusion to make their portion cheaper. I would hate to see you go through another denial. This is an emotional experience as it is. Good Luck to you!
   — Nickie C.

February 7, 2003
There is a federal law which regulates the pre-existing conditions clause. If your husband's employer has more than 50 employees, they cannot impose any pre-existing conditions clauses on you if you have had coverage within the last 63 days. You should be fine.
   — garw

February 14, 2003
I had another type of surgery a few years back. (Not WLS). Someone in the know at that time said to wait THREE MONTHS before seeing ANYONE (Doc or phychiatrict) for the surgery I wanted as the insurance company would say "pre existing condition"! It was hard, but thank God I waited. Once I started seeing people my insurance sent out papers to all of them inquiring WHEN I saw them and if I had been to see anyone else before them for this. Phew. My friend saved my butt. I was NOT denied and probally would have been had I not waited the three LONG months after my coveraged took effect! Anyway, if you were the insurance company and you just insured someone, what would YOU think of someone who just got insurance and was running for surgery? I know how bad you want this, but it may be wise to wait three months. Perhaps it is'nt necessary, but what if you have a longer fight or denial with them because you jumped the gun to SOON? Good luck.
   — Danmark

July 21, 2003
Ginger, I'm sorry, I cannot say this enough. PLEASE check the type of policy it is. There is a general belief that UHC is approval-happy. If it is a PPO policy, it will be worth the risk, if it's HMO tread carefully. I have UHC Choice Plus HMO and their raking me across the coals. I'm not saying you'll have the same experience, just be advised. Good luck to you!!!!
   — SweetDragonfly

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