I am very nervous about this.

Hi All: I am new here. I am currently in the process of going for the surgery. I am have one more psych appt and then it is on to the nutrionist. I am very nervous about this, but I know it will be better in the long run. I guess does anyone have any ideas how to calm me down. I have been looking at all your pics and it is getting me psyched    — Kristen G. (posted on February 10, 2003)

February 10, 2003
I know that looking at all the before and after pics got me excited too and I couldn't wait until it was my turn! You might want to also write out a list of all the things you cannot do now that you want to accomplish when you lose weight. I had things like cross my legs, wear a belt, climb the stairs without holding on, etc. As you accomplish each one, you tic them off the list! And carry this list with you to surgery. Take a good look at it before they roll them into surgery and say to yourself-soon I will be ticking all you little buggers off my list....good luck!
   — Cindy R.

February 10, 2003
I would have to agree with the "list" suggestion. This was recommended to me pre-op. I wrote down all of the reasons that I wanted to have this surgery. The things I couldn't do or the things that I was expecting to do afterward. I remember about 2 weeks pre-op, I panicked!!!!!!! I could NOT remember WHY I was having this done. My mind was totally cluttered and I was getting really nervous!! I took out my list and read it over and over!! It really saved me and got me through those two weeks. I would highly recommend this. As surgery approaches, your mind becomes cloudy with pre-op preparations, etc and it helps to have something to look at. Good Luck!!! Shelley
   — Shelley.

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