Anyone work for U-Haul?

Does anyone out there work for U-Haul and have tried to have WLS? I was denied and I would love to see if there is anyone out there that works for the same company who had WLS... I have two appeals and am considering hiring a Lawyer...any suggestions?    — Kim M. (posted on February 15, 2003)

February 15, 2003
Sorry I dont work for U-Hual, but is there a wls exclussion in their policy coverage, or what. With your bmi I would think you would qualify. If they dont have an exclussion, I would contact your state insurance commission, or also you just may need to appeal it severl times. maybe the surgeons office accidentaly use the obesity code, instead of Morbid obesity code, did you send a personal letter also, and one from your PCP? Dont give up keep trying, I hop you succed.
   — wizz46

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