Know any good exercises for toning the legs?

I carried most of my weight in my lower body -- hips, thighs, and calves. Surprisingly, I have slimmed down quite a bit in the hip, rear, and thighs, but my calves are very heavy. Nothing I've tried seems to help.    — ZaZa F. (posted on February 23, 2003)

February 23, 2003
I am starting to have the same problem. I am a lil more than 10 lbs. away from my goal, and my butt is almost non-existent, and my hips and thighs are pretty well-preportioned to my body. But my calves are just huge, and the area around my knees as well still have fat. But when I look at pictures of when I was 120lbs., I realize that I never had that great of legs! lol I do work out at the gym, they have machines for calves and thighs and hips. But not everyone can get to the gym, maybe you can do squats? They are really more for the upper leg, but you feel your calves being worked, so that can tone them. Also, biking can help that area of yur legs, maybe a regular bike or a stationary. WIsh there was more to help you, but i have the same proble, so you're not alone!
   — Lezlie Y.

February 23, 2003
Have you tried stair climbing? It's great for toning your butt and lower legs. I do it to counter-act the muscle building I get in my hamstrings and quads from running. It helps my legs look balanced. Good luck!
   — Brittany C.

February 23, 2003
Squats & lunges work wonders for the thigh & butt area.
   — Dawn P.

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