Sex Drive /PCOS after WLS- Will My Libido Return?

I had open RNY 11/5/02 and was diagnosed with PCOS a couple of months prior to that. After the weight comes off (60 lbs so far), will my sex drive come back? My periods have come back regularly after a two year absence, which makes me very happy, as my hubby and I will be trying for an addition to our family in the fall. I am really concerned about this, my husband is a great man and he certainly deserves a wife that can please him emotionally and physically. I know PCOS is a major factor in the low sex drive department, but do things improve after wls and after major weight loss? I really appreciate any feedback!    — Stacy T. (posted on February 25, 2003)

February 25, 2003
Hello,I don't have PCOS but I will tell that I have lost 55 pounds in 8 weeks and my sex life with my husband has done a complete 360.It has gotten so good.I hated it before.It wasn't comfortable I hated him seeing me naked but now all I can say is WOW.Things do improve after WLS.I even get naked now in front of him.I would NEVER get naked before.My sex drive is back in full force I can't imagine how its gonna be when I get to goal weight.Good luck to you.
   — tpajeski

February 25, 2003
I am a year out and was diagnosed with PCOS 4 years ago. I have lost 192 lbs and hit my goal months ago. My sex drive is well...non existent. Who needs it is about how i feel. Will it come back, I dont know. I sure hope so. I guess it is time to talk to the doc about it.
   — smedley200

February 25, 2003
I don't have pcos, but was wondering too about the "drive". I sure hope it comes back, in FULL FORCE!! Right now I have no drive at all. I can't wait until the "old horny" (excuse my words) me returns, hee hee.
   — Cat S.

February 25, 2003
My drive was always high- I figured because of my PCOS. I figured because of all the excess male testosterone coursing through my veins. The lack of drive after WLS is usually due to the release of estrogen that has been stored in your fat cells. If anything, you just need to give your hormone balance a little time to even itself out. It may take up to a year! My drive is normal now, and I am 2.5 years out.
   — Karen R.

February 25, 2003
I will tell you my sex life has never been bland(I guess because I had a high level of male hormone)so I would take sex anytime (of course it made my hubby happy, not too many man have a horny wife) But things are diffrent now you do enjoy it more. Perhaps is because you look and feel good about yourself you can express it better sexually. Start only with kissing and caressing without going into the real intercorse.He might not like it but is a start, then work yourself up to the real thing. You don't have to bring on the whips and chains but perhaps add something to spice up your sex life books,games,lotions,potions ect. Good luck and it will get better is all in the power of your mind.
   — MARY C.

February 25, 2003
I have PCOS and always had a very high sex drive--But when the dr. put me on Glucophage/Metformin it did something to my hormones and made it almost non-existent. I agree with the previous poster-- once your homones even out naturally it should come back.. Preop- surgery date 3/28/03
   — Monique W.

February 25, 2003
hi there i have pcos also, pre op id have an ok sex drive then sometimes non at all. very new post op, during the healing process, i had none then at about 3 months out, it was off the hook! your may be like that too due to all the hormonal changes due to surgery and rapid weight loss, mine still comes and goes. as you start feeling and looking so much better and are more happy with yourself that makes a difference too. best of luck to you! :)
   — carrie M.

February 25, 2003
First off, I had my surgery on 11/5/02 too! Today is my weigh-in day but I haven't done it yet. As of last week, I've lost 70 lbs so far. :) But my concern about your question is, we aren't supposed to get pregnant for 18-24 months after surgery. I work at the health dept in my local community and we've had several women request nutrition services because they are pregnant too soon after surgery. It can cause a lot of nutritional deficiences for you and baby. Just please be careful and talk to your surgeon and OB before getting pregnant.
   — JLP9805

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