Where can i find a pcp to refer me to the surgeon i have selected?

i have chosen and have an appt. at newton welsley on may 14, but my pcp wont give me a referal. i have been wanting to change pcp but just havent gotten to it yet. now i need to. any ideas? PLEASE    — Melissa B. (posted on February 26, 2003)

February 25, 2003
Call the surgeon's office. Explain the situation to them and ask them if they can give you the name of a PCP in your area that they have worked with in the past and know to be WLS-friendly. Call that PCP and see if he is accepting new patients. If so, make an appointment with him and don't forget to call you insurance company to tell them you are switching PCP's...JR
   — John Rushton

February 26, 2003
My pcp was going to referr me to a surgeon i didnt want.. so i just told him whom i wanted to go to and he made the referral out to that surgeon.. good luck:)
   — brandy H.

February 26, 2003
Does your insurance company require a referral from your PCP? If not, you can see that surgeon. If they do require a referral from the PCP, find a new PCP on the double and get the referral you need, if your current PCP won't refer you to the selected surgeon.
   — koogy

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