How soon can we exercise our abs after surgery?

I am 4 months and 2 days post op, and am back at the gym. I was wondering how long I have to wait to start exercising the stomach muscles? Also, I am on a 4 month plateau. Help! Has anyone dealt with this at four months? I haven't lost anything for almost two weeks! In fact, I think I've gained a pound or two! I am exercising three times a week, weights and cardio, and haven't changed the way I have been eating (meaning I'm eating fruits, veggies and protein). I can't figure it out, I'm getting frustrated!!! Please help!!!    — Stacy T. (posted on March 7, 2003)

March 7, 2003
My surgeon just told me last week to wait until 3 months out to do stomach crunches and sit-ups. I had an open RNY.
   — Little L

March 7, 2003
I think the best answer would be to ask your doctor... each case is different.
   — Tim W.

March 7, 2003
I had LAP, and resumed ab work 3-4 weeks after surgery. I've never had any pain or discomfort. If you can do it now without any pain, I say go for it!
   — Angie M.

March 7, 2003
My doctor said 8 weeks which is where I'm at and I'm going to start with exercises that incorporate the abs as secondarys and work from there. I hope to have a full ab routine by 12 weeks.
   — susanje

March 7, 2003
That is something I would definitely ask your dr but surely after 4 months you would be fine. My dr released me to any activity/food I could tolerate at 6 weeks. I went easy with it for a while because I felt like my guts were gonna spill out on the floor *hee hee* but now it is just like I never had surgery at all. As a matter of fact, if I didn't have all that extra skin around my tummy, I might have a "six-pack!" Right now I have more like a "two-liter:" cut in on the sides but the middle is all one pouf! LOL Oh, well! :P
   — ctyst

March 8, 2003
I just went to my doctor for 6 week check up friday and asked the same question, he said since the incision is healed to 90% or more then i can start my ab exercises but stressed that aerobic exercise is more important because its for your heart. He said make sure i do aerobic first and if i feel up to other stuff like weights and ab work then do it. good luck.
   — rachel W.

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