6+ Months Post Op, About to turn 21- Questions about drinking

I am over six months out from surgery and doing well with weight 21st birthday is Wednesday and I want to know if I should drink? What kinds of drinks would be ok? I have never been a big drinker but my friends are taking me to the bars...and I want to have a good time.Should I try something at home first to see if I'll get really drunk or something? or should I just relax and have a good time? can I dump from a beer or screwdriver or something?    — Becca P. (posted on April 6, 2003)

April 6, 2003
It is really a personal decision to decide whether you want to drink, post WLS or not. Having said that, I'll give you a couple of tips. Stay away from carbonation (beer for example), not because it will stretch your pouch, but because the carbonation is likely to be grossly uncomfortable. Any stretching would be temporary and our pouches stretch a bit over time no matter what and how much we eat.<p>You would also want to stay away from some of the highly sugared mixed drinks, as they are likely to make you dump. So what does that leave you? Hard liquor mixed with water, or mixed with diet soda and allowed to go a bit flat. I was never much of a drinker to begin with, but have seen others report that the booze got to them very quickly. One or two drinks made them very high, whereas pre-op it would have taken more. You might want to try a small amount at home before you go out on the town and make sure you are not the one driving.
   — garw

April 6, 2003
becca, Congrats on turning 21 yea.... I am still post op get my date on wed but i have been reading that vodka is pretty low in carbs and if you bring a thermos or a plastic bottle in your purse of crystal light like the orange flaver that would be yummy I think.. you wouldn't dump from the sugary other drinks.. Just a thought.. Enjoy your night regardless..
   — hillafb U.

April 6, 2003
Good Lord Kim- she didn't say she was going on a binge! Drinking in moderation should be fine, just keep in mind two things- A) If you dump from sugar this will probably be an issue. B) You will become tipsy much quicker!...The only alcoholic thing I have had was a few sips of a margarita and I was buzzin'. I don't dump, so I am sure I could have drank more with no problem. Just take it slow and be careful. Make sure you are with others who can take care of you if you get too drunk!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!......Karen (lap rny-6 months post-op /down 120 pounds!)
   — karmiausnic

April 6, 2003
21 Years Young!!! Oh my, I wish I did the surgery at 21, I'm 41 and wasted 20 years (20 good years) being fat. As for you, Becca,....happy birthday to la la ... Okay, I'm only 3 weeks out, but my friends and I still do frequent the bars (although I don't now, of course). One of my friends is 7 months post op and does well with white wine or vodka and cran/water with lime. But as everyone said, take it easy. It seems to creep up on you really fast. Why not make every other drink a water? I did that when I was on optifast 10 years ago. It worked well for me then, and I think it's a good idea to at least stay hydrated! Have fun and don't listen to anyone but YOU! You know your body best! Have fun!
   — msmaryk

April 6, 2003
Have a drink. Have a couple of drinks. I agree with the earlier poster -- bring a diet snapple or crystal lite, mix it with vodka. Don't make a habit of it....but I am almost 6 months post op and every few weeks I'll go out with my friends. No e-mails, please, my surgeon authorized alcohol at 12 weeks. Have fun, and happy birthday!!
   — Tamara K.

April 6, 2003
Being that this is going to be a big night for you, and you are the guest of honor, I would try whatever I was going to drink that night at home a few days before so you don't ruin your night out with a dumping episode. I have tried wine, a watered down Zima, and one margarita with no problems. Good luck!
   — Sandy T.

April 7, 2003
Be careful. You will be able to drink 1-2 drinks and you will be drunk as hell.Don't drive. Let your friends watch out for you.Have a great time. Good Lux
   — Robert L.

April 7, 2003
Hi, I am almost 7mo post-op open RNY lost 109# 27 yrs old and I just started going out every Sat. night dancing with friends, which I have not done in years. I do social drink but my Doctor says moderation like I do is OK! Going out dancing and drinking has not hurt me and im not hooked to drinking just the dancing, which I lose weight every week after a night of dancing :o) Go dancing and have 1 or 2 drinks, thats all you need now husband says im a cheap date b/c I don't even eat out anymore lol Be very careful though, we all know it's not good for your body, and our bodies react different now. This guy was talking about his first drink after RNY, he past out on his plate of food after a half glass of vodka & tonic and woke up like 10min later.The drinks I can think of is vodka or rum w/ diet pop or 100% OJ, which make sure yu ask if it's 100%Good luck! Happy Birthday!!!
   — Sandy M.

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