My husband is 8 days pre-op, and bloodwork shows an infection!

Has anyone else had a pre-op infection and could still have their operation? We can't lose this opportunity, because we have BCBS and we'll NEVER be able to reschedule before their contract with BTC is terminated! I need some words of encouragement that the Zithromax will "cure" his elevated white cell count by Monday! I'm flipping out that all this work will be for nothing! Help help help help help! If you can, please email me at [email protected] and bless you for answering a panicked wife!    — Angie H. (posted on April 9, 2003)

April 9, 2003
I went in for my pre-ops on Friday and was scheduled for open RNY on the following Tuesday. Before I left they told me I had an infection (UTI). They gave me a script for antibiotics and when I got to the hospital on Tuesday morning, the first thing they did was give me an IV of antibiotics...I had my surgery, no complications, went home in 3 days. Once home the only complication I had was a pulled stomach muscle at 3 months out...which was my own fault (weight lifting stomach scrunches). Some surgeons will refuse to operate when a person has an infection..some maybe consider the type of infection (as with my surgeon). You could talk to your surgeon or PCP about a shot of anitbiotics or about an afternoon in the ER getting an IV of the stuff....they work so much faster and are stronger this way.
   — cherokey55

April 9, 2003
Hi, I too had ear infections in both ears are well as a upper respiratory cold about 10 days before my surgery. My PCP Dr. gave me a shot in the butt and sent me home with antibiotics(augmentin) to take for 7 days. I was done with them a day before surgery. I was not running a fever and was told to show up for surgery. My surgeon did the surgery as scheduled. I had no complications because of being sick. I hope all goes well. Cheryl
   — cherby56

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