Have you been left in the Lurch By the Doctors and NOT the Insurance?

God what a day! I had a pre-op test and surgery date set for 04/14 & 04/21, and was called and told that the doctor didn't want to do another case that day and rescheduled for 04/17 & 04/24, ok, I can deal with that. My letter of approval is good for 90 days from 03/17. Well I got a call on 04/09 saying that I need to give them $15,000. in 24 hours or all bets are off. Well it's 24 hours and all bets are off. Now I have 60 days to find a doctor who is in network, and start from square one, how easy is that. Oh I guess I need to mention that on 03/28 my husband was laid off, but gets to keep this insurance for 90 days from the 28th, and they did know about this on 03/17, and was actually asked about monies to be paid up front, and I was told NONE TO BE CONCERNED ABOUT, DON'T WORRY, YOUR ALL SET TO GO. Has anyone been through this, and has anyone had the pleasure of of dealing with a Dr. Mark Kadowaki as he is who I am looking at now to do my surgery. I am not a happy camper, and can't figure out how to post my own personal comments and updates on my personal profile....    — Tamauralee H. (posted on April 10, 2003)

April 10, 2003
Try using the search mechanisms on this site. You can search by location, doctor name, type of surgery...I think you can even research if they accept your insurance. Do you have a co-pay of $15000 even if your husband weren't losing his job? I didn't understand that part of the dr's demands. I'm having mine done at Northwestern downtown and I know that it has been a long process to get this far. Good luck.
   — Diane S.

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