My surgeon wants to meet with my spouse or my surgery will be cancelled --Why?

I received a letter from my surgeon today that included a script for a gall bladder ultrasound and to confirm my pre-op appointment and surgery date. Anyway, there is a BOLB sentence in this letter that says "You must bring your spouse, if you are married or a relative to the pre-operative office appointment. Your sugery will be cancelled if he/she does not come" -- Anyway, I was wondering what supposed to happen at this meeting that requires a spouse or relative. My hubby is going to be there, I'm just curious.    — Kim W. (posted on April 19, 2003)

April 19, 2003
My understanding would be for someone to be there to drive you home. You said a pre-op appointment right? You may be having some tests that require you not drive afterwards. Does that make sense?
   — Kim L.

April 19, 2003
LOL! Me and my typo's --when I typed "BOLB " I meant to type "BOLD" -- whoops! >^,,^<
   — Kim W.

April 19, 2003
I was told the same thing. They said the reason why is because it is such an important surgery & they want the main person who is going to be taking care of you to go to your pre-op. Good luck!
   — Diana G.

April 19, 2003
Good surgeon in my book, your family needs to know whats going on.
   — bob-haller

April 19, 2003
Thanks Kim...that's what I was wondering, too. I have all of my pre-tests done except for my gall bladder ultrasound. The letter said I need to have the ultrasound done before the meeting or my surgery would be cancelled for that reason, too. It also said that after the meeting, I am supposed go to the hospital for pre-admittance. Does the hospital do testing there, too? I thought that at the hospital, I would have to fill out more paper work, etc... >^,,^<
   — Kim W.

April 19, 2003
My surgeon is the same, he requires that he meet the person who will be caring for you after surgery so that a. he knows that you have the help you need, b. so that the person helping you knows what you're going to be going through, and c. so that the person knows that you will be needing emotional support as well. He doesn't want to work with anyone who does not have a support system in place. It makes it tough for some people who don't necessarily have friends or family nearby, but I do think it means he cares about how his patients do after surgery.
   — Kelly B.

April 19, 2003
Your surgeon most likely wants to know what kind of support system you will have when you're released from the hospital. Also, my pre-op at the hospital was pre-registering and seeing the anesthesiologist, no tests!!<br> Lap-RNY 1/13/03 -100lbs & Counting!
   — thumpiez

April 19, 2003
my surgeon required the same thing for my last appt with him before surgery but not for the reasons others have listed here. It was for us both to read and sign the consent and that we were aware of all the surgical risks and that WE had requested that HE do my surgery. We figured it was to protect him should anything go wrong with my surgery, so my husband couldn't sue him. I know I was surprised that my husband had to sign it. I have been married for 33 years and this is the first time he ever had to sign anything for me and I have had numerous surgeries. So it must have been for his protection and also to make sure that I had good support at home.
   — Delores S.

April 19, 2003
They might also have some legal papers for that person to sign or look over such as a Medical Power of Attorney or a living will. Just a thought since it did say spouse or relative which are usually the people left to make desicions if you can not. Not to try to scare you or anything but this could also be why.
   — S C.

April 19, 2003
My surgeon stressed the importance of spousal support during and post op wls. He's seen more than his fair share of post ops being sabatoged by loved ones out of misunderstanding the post op way of life, by jealous spouses, and/or significant others. It's very important that the immediate family in your life understand what you are about to go through and what your life post op will be like. My surgeon did not require my DH to be there, but he did talk to him on the day of surgery and the day after surgery...and he continually asked me if my husband and family supported me in this journey. He absolutely stressed the importance of it. ~CAE~
   — Mustang

April 19, 2003
HI! I think that the surgeon wants to make sure that your husband will be supportive of this operation. You need support and your family will prove to be a support system:) Good luck, Muffy
   — leslie M.

April 19, 2003
My surgeon required the same thing. He just wanted to make sure my husband understood the surgery, the possible complications, and what life would be like post-op. Then they just BS'd for a few about golf or something. LOL! I'm a very independent person, and I kind of resented that my doctor wanted to meet my husband before he would operate. But, he just wanted to make sure we were all on the same page. :)
   — Diana L.

April 21, 2003
I agree with the other posters, he probably wants to know you have someone to help you post-op. I just wish surgeons would explain why they want things instead of threatening you to cancel your surgery. Smiles, Kimberly
   — Kimberly S.

April 22, 2003
He wants to make sure that your husband is aware of the risks and changes that will take place and he agrees to it, I don't know why, but they do. I took my husband with me for my consultation and he asked a lot of questions. I'm glad my husband went with me.
   — dolphins94

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