Can anyone give me in general what to expect in my psych eval

I just found out that my insurance is requiring that I have a psych eval before surgery. I am a little nervous, I don't have anything to hide, I just don't know what to expect. Can anyone help me with this. Thanks,Angela    — Angela M. (posted on May 17, 2003)

May 17, 2003
The library here has loads of info on this. Just type in psych eval and hit search. They really are just looking to weed out those who might think this surgery is a cure-all overnight and to see if you understand what you are getting into and are going to be able to take care of yourself as far as understanding what you have to do to be successful. Not a big deal. Good luck.
   — Delores S.

May 17, 2003
Angela, my psyche eval was as they say, "Much Ado About Nothing." Now I'm not saying its the norm, just what I experienced. He asked me what I'd imagine is usual, have you ever thought about hurting yourself? How do you feel about yourself? Does the idea of a possible relationship after weightloss scare you? . . . A lot of very general, and what I'd call common sense questions. 45 minutes, maybe. Relax and be honest. There's nothing wrong with admitting you're nervous about your life taking a new direction. Good luck, Linda
   — lorien

May 17, 2003
Just had mine on the 8th. He went through questions about your history, diet and family. Looking for support that you have. Also questions making sure you understand how the surgery is going to change your life. I did have to take a series of tests. First one was a visualization, such as looking at a picture of 3 things, what would be the 4th. Next was 2 T or F tests. 240 questions and then 567 questions. Took about 2 hours.
   — Diana P.

May 17, 2003
Really depends on how go you to, some people what evals that are hours mine consisted of someone quickly (10 minutes) accessing that I was knowledgeable, educated with realistic expectations who then pulled over her lap top and said..."okay what does this letter need to say for you insurance"?
   — Sarah S.

May 17, 2003
Hi Angela, the psyc eval is really a cinch. I had mine back in Feb and it was basically what I wanted to do, why, support network, why I eat, if I was depressed, if I was ever abused, if I was on any medication, if I knew my co-morbidities, if I thought this surgery was an easy way out our not (which it isn't), the weight loss attempts I have tried, and oh yes, the ever so friendly and every sooooo boring and weird 567 questions. But, I don't think you really have to go into too much detail with the doc, but there is a great website which if you download the "patient information guide" on page 13 there is a document that you can print out that tells you basically what the insurance and or surgeon is looking for. It says to fax it back to the surgery center, however you don't have to do that. I am not using those doctors either, however they have ALOT of great information on the surgery itself, insurance information, after care and pretty much anything else that you might have questions about...Much Love and God Bless... :)
   — Alisia P.

May 17, 2003
I too am facing my psy. eval on May 27th. Although I'm doing mine with a nurse for some reason. I was told I'd have a paper test (probably some long list of questions) and then talk to the nurse and to expect to be there at least 2 hours. Pretty much...use common sense. What I've learned in my psychology classes is simply that...most of the written tests given can be "thrown" in your favor just by avoiding the obvious "i hate the world, i hate myself" answers. Of course...don't be too perfect and answer "i love everyone all the time!" one does. If they do, their probably already medicated. lol GOOD LUCK
   — Renee B.

May 18, 2003
Angela, My insurance required me to have one before the paperwork was even submitted. The Dr's office said that the insurance company wanted to be sure that I did have a screw loose or was on drugs :))). It was easy except that I thought I might need an eye exam after it was over. My Dr. gives you the test and you sit in his office and fill it out. He sends it off and I guess if you pass, they contact you. I must have passed the silly thing, because I am scheduled for preop testing July 3rd. It was'nt hard, just aggrevating. Good Luck.
   — peanutpatty

May 18, 2003
Hi Angela, I had my psych exam back in January. I had been nervous about it too. I went to the Dr that is on the surgeon's list. (I figure, if they are on the surgeon's list, they most likely approve of the surgery to begin with, so it's a plus) It turned out to be one of the easiest screenings I had. We just sat and talked for about 45 mins. No formal tests. He just asked me some questions, ever take drugs, think about suicide, why do you want this surgery, what do you think this surgery can do for you, that kind of stuff. He told me before I left his office that he would approve me for surgery. 3 days post op now.
   — KellyJeanB

July 22, 2004
I just had mine last week. It was about 2 1/2 hours long. There was an initial interview that was about a half hour and then a 500 question test. The test was very simple. It was just checking to make sure you don't have things like multiple personalities, depression, anxiety or things like that. In the interview she just asked my family history and wanted to know if there was any history of any type of abuse. It is basically to make sure you have a good, supportive environment for after surgery. I was told today that she approved me.
   — Kara P.

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