Sea Sick

Has anyone had WLS and not got sea sick after. I always got sea sick out on the boat. Would that of changed since we have a small pouch now?    — Jane T. (posted on May 17, 2003)

May 17, 2003
I am not an expert but it is my understanding that sea sickness (or any motion sickness) has nothing to do with the size of your stomach or what is in it. (Although nausea is a side effect!) It has to do with your sense of balance and inner ear, and the fact our bodies are conditioned to believe that the deck, earth, or floor beneath them are supposed to be solid and stationary, not in motion! Best cure for motion sickness? Deep breaths, and look toward the horizon, not down at the deck or directly at the motion of the boat on the water! Hope this helps.
   — Terry R.

May 17, 2003
You will have less cookies to toss *G*. I do agree with the previous poster who said that it's a balance thing more than a stomach thing...JR
   — John Rushton

May 19, 2003
I have always gotten sea-sick on the water, but still love it. Have your doctor write you a prescription for Scopalamine patches. You put one behind your ear about 4 hours before going out on the water and the medication is absorbed through the skin. Works wonderfully!
   — Lynette B.

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