I still can't eat after seven months. Anyone had this problem?

I'm seven months post-op lost 85lbs but can't eat anything with substance. A month or so after the surgery I could eat small amounts of many foods. In January I started having abdominal pain on my right side (really on side not stomache). After many test they determined that I had a marginal ulcer. I had an Endoscopy and was put on Protinex and Carafate. I felt much better and could eat some if I really chewed it up. Now things have gotten worse again. I had another Endoscopy and they said the ulcer was healing and did another dilation. Said I would be fine. I still can't eat anything other that liquids or something that becomes liquified as I chew it. I've been told it is definitely not my gallbladder. Today I have intense lower right side (area I think your appendix is in) pain, abdominal pain right side back and of course still can't eat. The doctors can't seem to figure it out. What do you think it might be? Thanks.    — Sandi O. (posted on May 27, 2003)

May 27, 2003
Hi... you didn't mention if you had lap or open RNY. You may have adhesions from scar tissue (adhesions attach themselves to your internal organs causing pain) which can be hard to determine without exploratory surgery. I would mention this possibility to your surgeon and see what he has to say. I'm sorry you're having trouble eating... I do pray things get better. God bless!
   — Happy I.

May 27, 2003
It sounds like it is time for a 2nd opinion. It could still be your gallbladder. Sometimes it fills with sludge not stones and it wont show on an ultrasound. It may also be a bowel obstruction. Please pursue this with all the enrgy you can muster!!!! It is not normal for you to be feeling this way. Good luck to you. Wendi
   — lovemonterey

May 27, 2003
Hi Sandi, I'm sorry to hear about all you went through. I got a marginal ulcer as well after my LAP RNY, about 6months out. Unfortunately, now that I'm 1 year out I still have a bunch of stomach issues b/c of it. I am able to eat though, eating actually helps me, but there are many things I'm not able to handle. SO my guess is it could still be your ulcer and you need time to heal, but like the others said, it could be something else. You should probably get more tests done just in case. I have my horrible weeks and my better weeks, but mine all stems from the same ulcer (mine was also perforated so it required surgery), so it could just be that. But you may want to start seeing a gastroeterologst as well. He may be able to help some more. E-mail me anytime if you want to talk ([email protected]) Wish you the best of luck and feel better!
   — Lezlie Y.

May 27, 2003
I am 3 years post-op and still have abdominal pain. It is severe enough to need ongoing pain meds. I still don't get a full feeling. I never have. But, my surgeon says my surgery is a success because the pain makes me stop eating. I also had a terminal illness that the surgery cured. I still have to go back to liquids every now and then to let my stomach rest -
   — CohenHeart

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