Can someone help me draft a letter for doctor's recomendation?

I am going through UC hospital in Cincinnati. They require 2 year doctor's note summary, and also a letter from your PCP. I need help drafting the letter, because if it is not what they want, they send the entire packet back. Please help me!!    — Alana S. (posted on June 3, 2003)

June 3, 2003
Since it is a referral to a surgeon, not the insurance company, it shouldn't be that tricky. However, this letter will probably wind up in your authorization request down the road, so you may want to find out what criteria your insurance company expects you to meet (comorbidities, attempted weight loss info, etc.) and that can really guide the letter. Otherwise, here are some ideas: My patient, xx, is being referred for consideration of gastric bypass due to her chronic morbid obesity. She is currently at xx pounds, with a BMI of xx. We have discussed weight loss methods at length, nutrition and exercise methods to attempt to control this problem, and at this point I feel she is a candidate for surgical intervention. She has a family history of morbid obesity, as well as (heart failure, diabetes, whatever matches). Currently she has comorbidities of (chest pain, sleep apnea, whatever you have going on). We have discussed realistic goals of how this surgery can help her become healthier, and some of her post-surgical responsibilities such as monitoring of diet and nutritional supplements, as well as exercise and adequate water intake. I appreciate your evaluation of xx and look forward to hearing your recommendation as to her suitability for gastric bypass.
   — bethybb

June 3, 2003
One thing I realized after posting - if the letter is from your PCP, he/she will certainly do the letter, not you-the patient. Unless your doctor is open to suggestions, or is actually asking you to put what you want the letter to say in writing for him, I wouldn't presume to tell the doc how to write the referral letter. If you think he/she is open to suggestions, though, you could present a "sample" that is ready to go that his nurse can copy onto letterhead, and he/she might appreciate it. Its hard to tell how each doc feels about this, but some will not like being told what to do, or having someone put words in their mouth - I'd gauge the doc or nurse before giving him your ideas for the letter.
   — bethybb

June 4, 2003
The packet my Dr. sent for me had a sample letter for PCP Date: Dear Dr. (whichever one you're coming to) Re: Patients name dob
   — Sheila W.

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