What can I do to stop this hair loss?

I'm losing my hair by the handful. My gray hair is coming in faster than ever. It's dry, dull and frizzy. I used to get my hair relaxed and dyed but I am so afraid to do that now that my hair is falling out. Someone suggested a "Rinse" instead of the permanent dye. But I'm so nervous about putting any chemicals in my hair at this point. Are there any vitamins, remedies, etc. that I can take to make my hair stop falling?    — Margarita A. (posted on June 9, 2003)

June 9, 2003
Your Profile is EMPTY!! I have no idea how far post op you are to try and give you advice. But here is the general information. You can possibly have 2 types of post op hair loss. The first happens in the first month or so after surgery and is a side effect of anesthesia. Not much you can do about it, usually not "handfuls" of hair, but a noticeable increase in falling out none the less. The second is generally thought to be from a low protien (although this is highly debated). It could also be from a change in diet, a decrease in calories, and a vitamin deficiency. Either way, you can't really stop it either. THe best thing you can do is make sure that you are currently getting in all of the vitamins that you need. Don't forget your Zinc, once I added zinc to my diet, my hair seemed to be coming back in much better. Your hair will start to grow back, I promise. As for coloring, I bleach my hair (have it bleached professionally that is) and I have never had a problem, actually it seems to make it look healthier when I do that. I do not think that coloring would hurt, but the best thing to do is ask your beautician for some advice.
   — Vicki L.

June 9, 2003
Don't think anyone has a magic cure...although it sure would be nice. In the mean time, I would consider a new 'do' and go ahead and color away...what's going to come out, will come out (or stay in) either way, so you might as well look good while you wait!
   — eaamc

June 9, 2003
Ask someone about Biotin from GNC. I thought I had read here that some people were using it to help with hair loss. I am pre-op so I could be wrong so be sure to ask a post-op person first.
   — doodlebug

June 9, 2003
There is nothing you can do except wait it out. Make sure that you are getting enough protein. I got a perm during my big loss and it didn't make it any worse. Helped puff my hair up some. I lost hair really bad between 3 mos and 6 mos postop. Now at almost 11 mos postop, I'm back to normal and have no loss. Go ahead and get your hair done. You'll feel better. Just tell your hairdresser that you're losing weight and that it isn't her/his fault if they notice some coming out easier. Melisa RNY 08/15/02 -95 lbs
   — mbradley35

June 10, 2003
If you want to colour your hair without chemicals, use henna. I've been using it monthly for 25 years. I use Colora Henna, 100% pure vegetable colour in Burgandy. It covers the grey and gives really nice highlights.
   — mary ann T.

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