If your insurance is finished on Aug.1,2003 is it still valid that day until midnite?

My husbands group insurance was effective Aug.1,2002 and is changing to a new one on Aug.1,2003 is the insurance that I Had still valid until midnight the night of Aug.1,2003 that is the day it ends? Thanks for any help..    — marie M. (posted on June 20, 2003)

June 20, 2003
I am not an expert, but it seems to me if it is finished on the 1st of aug, then midnight the last day of july it is done. once it becomes the 1st of aug. it is not in effect. call them and ask to be sure.
   — janetc00

June 21, 2003
I work for a insurance company, I am in member service rep. If you have a Insurace that started on 8/1/02 and a new one that is going to start on 8/1/03 then the 1st insurance will end at midnight of 7/31/03
   — LS F.

June 21, 2003
thank you all for the answer to my question I appreciate it...
   — marie M.

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