Does anyone else take Armour for hypothyroidism?

Have you been having any difficulty in losing weight? How often do you blood test?    — lyn H. (posted on June 27, 2003)

June 27, 2003
I don't take Armour, and even though it is a natural thyroid replacement as opposed to a synthetic (which I take). It shouldn't make any difference in your weight loss. My PCP wa checking my thyroid levels about every 6 weeks right after surgery, and adjusting my dose of medication. I am 8 months out, the loss has slowed, so he isn't testing as frequently or changing the dosage.
   — koogy

June 27, 2003
Hi, i take armour. My sugeon told me after u lose 50lbs your weight will slow down, and your thyroid will go low, so he put it on me. I just started on it about 2 weeks now, and im a slow loser anyway, but it is not making my progress any slower, hopefully it will increase. He also is going to have me take some tests, once i have been taking it for a month. I will update u
   — sexysag37

June 27, 2003
I don't take Armour, but I do take both Synthroid and Cytomel for my hypothyroidism, so I'm also getting a T4/T3 combination (like Armour). I had the Duodenal Switch one year ago, and I've been happy with my weight loss. It hasn't been particularly fast or particularly slow -- just nice and steady. I'm about 15 pounds from goal. I had blood work done at 6 weeks post-op, and then quarterly. I'll get another panel done at my 18-month mark, then annually thereafter. All my thyroid levels have been very stable, and I haven't needed to adjust my medication dosages. Hope this helps!
   — Tally

June 28, 2003
Hi, I take Levoxly for my thyroid, everytime the dosage was increased (pre-op) I lost up to 10 lbs without trying. Have not had an increase yet (post-op) but it doesn't seem to be holding me back in weight lose. MaryLyn 5/21/03 -40
   — Kriola

June 29, 2003
I take 90 mg. of Armour every day. I switched to Armour from Synthroid about 3 years ago. I am 6 months post op and have not had any blood work done yet... need to make an appointment to get that done soon.
   — Sheryl W.

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